Coffee vs. Tea


An ex-coffee drinker and a current tea drinker myself, I was always curious about the health and benefits of these two beverages. The truth is that coffee and tea remain two very different beverages; tea being made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis, and coffee made from a bean. However, when it comes to health benefits, tea will always beat coffee, especially white and green tea. There are definitely some benefits attributed to coffee, however tea has more antioxidants per cup than coffee does, plus there is no "crash" like feeling after tea. 

A cup of black tea has half the amount of caffeine than a cup of coffee, and a hell of a lot more antioxidants such as flavonoids, catechins, and tannins, which powerful antioxidants that can protect your body from free radical stress. Coffee, however, does not have as much as these properties present, but does have its share of minerals. 

Oolong, green, and white tea have even less caffeine and even more antioxidants. In fact, white tea has shown to contain the highest levels, and is one of the best sources when measured by volume for antioxidants in the world! So if drinking for your health, tea will always beat coffee.

Green tea has also shown to be a great aid in helping people who want to lose weight. It might down to the fact that green tea helps kick start your metabolism 

Herbal teas have shown to reduce stress levels in the body. In parts of Asia, teas have been used for millennia to help with relaxation, in rituals (like spiritual and religious ceremonies), for nourishment and as healing medicine. Chamomile, lavender, tulsi, passionflower & lemon balm teas are a few good ones to start with. 

An Australian study recently found that people who drank tea on a regular basis had stronger bones and actually were less likely to develop osteoporosis thanks to the high levels of tea catechins. In addition, another study a few years earlier found that drinking tea helped promote healthy bone formation. 

Drinking tea can really help set up and improve your immune system

Consider this: Three or more cups of green tea per day are what's consumed by the average citizen in Japan, where the overall cancer rate is much lower than here in the U.S. While that statistic may not be due to tea drinking alone, the majority of researchers believe it definitely plays a part.



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