Elevate Your Wellness Routine with Essential Oils


When it comes to one’s well-being, the power of your sense of smell is often underrated. Scents can make you feel relaxed, calm, happy, or productive. 

This brings us to essential oils; been for millennia for both health and medicinal purposes—from aromatherapy and vanity to household cleaning products—their uses are virtually endless.

The majority of the health benefits you get from essential oils come from their antimicrobial properties, which are well-documented. Moreover, since essential oils are made from all-natural ingredients, they don’t have any side effects. 

Whether you’re looking for a natural sleep or skincare aid, essential oils have the ability to help you. Here are three ways you can integrate them into your daily healthcare routine. 


A holistic healing treatment that has been used for centuries, aromatherapy involves using aromatic essential oils to promote health and well-being. It typically involves putting the oil into a diffuser which then releases the oil molecules into the air, creating a mist for you to breathe. Depending on your health goals, you can use different essential oil blends. 

Aromatherapy can also be administered by adding a few drops of your preferred essential oils to your bath. For instance, if you’re looking to improve sleep, adding a few drops of lavender oil to your bath will help. Lavender oil is known to reduce the secretion of the stress hormone “cortisol”, thus helping you feel calm and relaxed. 

Topical Application

Although many essential oils cannot be directly applied to the skin, they can be used in soaps and lotions in a diluted form. You can use them to create custom skin products that are tailored to your specific health needs. 

For instance, many choose to add rosemary essential oil to their topical skin care products. Rosemary oil is known to promote hair growth, which is why many people add it to their shampoos and conditioners. 

In Baths

Another popular way of incorporating essential oils in your daily routine is by combining them Epsom salts or a carrier oil and creating an aromatherapy bath blend. However, avoid using lemongrass, wintergreen, oregano, cassia, or cinnamon in an essential oil bath blend as they can irritate sensitive skin.


Learn about the unrivalled health benefits of alternative, all-natural remedies such as essential oils, meditation and yoga through our energetic healing sessions. Get in touch with our team in Chicago for more information.


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