Every Day I'm Juicing It

Insert your favorite "it" into the subject line. Ever since I got my juicer (right in time for luscious summer produce) I haven't stopped using it. My juicer has now faded to a color somewhere between green (from all the kale) & red (from all the beets), which reminds me of the Holidays, but let's not think about winter just yet. 

I have juiced pretty much everything by now, experimenting with all sorts of berries, fruits & veggies. My garden this summer has been abundant in bright red beets, kale, mint & basil, so I have been adding those ingredients into my juices every time.

You can pretty much throw anything into the juicer that is water based like WATERmelon (duh!), apples, oranges, cucumbers, cherries, grapes, lemons, jicama also has a very high water content, so you'll get a lot of juice and less pump. Obviously don't try to juice a banana or something, because all you'll get is pulp. Even tomatoes are awesome for juicing! You can make a home-made savory juice

And do we even NEED to talk about the amazing benefits of juicing a pound of veggies into a consumable form for our bodies to absorb? Ok, lets do it.

Top 3 benefits of Juicing:

  • Helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables
  • Improve your gut flora
  • Get a wide variety of veggies into your body that you wouldn't have otherwise been able to consume whole

So, let's dive right into the...

The BEET-alicious Juice Recipe:

Yield: 1 serving (feel free to double or triple if you want to share)


  • 1 medium size beet, pealed (remove the tops - they are bitter)
  • 1 organic apple
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 3 tangerines
  • 1 whole lemon (not pictured) 
  • 1 carrot
  • a handful of mint & basil
  • 4-5" turmeric root
  • 1-2" ginger root (more if you like it spicy!)


  • Remove the tops from the beet, wash & peal away the dirt (this is a root veggie - it get a bit dusty!)
  • Cut up the apple into halves or quarters, depending on how big the opening of your juicer is
  • Prep the celery to fit into the juicer
  • Peal the tangerines
  • Cut the lemon in half or quarters
  • Peal the carrot
  • Remove mint & basil from stem
  • Throw everything into the juicer and wish for the best. Just kidding! This WILL be awesome!
  • HINT: Throw lighter herbs like turmeric, mint & basil in between the "heavier" items that will go down smoother through the blade. I always finish my juicing with a juicy apple or jicama so it pushes all the lighter pulpy items down

RESULT: Pure Goodness In a Glass

Sip, Ahh & Repeat

Who needs to pay $6 for a cup of juice from a cafe when you can make one yourself at the comfort of your home with ingredients you may already have around the house?



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