How to Increase Employee Participation in Wellness Programs

It's no secret that wellness programs can benefit both employees and employers. For employees, participating in a wellness program can lead to improved health and well-being.

And for employers, having a healthy workforce can result in reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and less absenteeism. But sometimes getting employees to actually participate in workplace wellness programs can be a challenge.

Table of Contents:

  • Business Hours

  • Offer Incentives

  • Create a Competition

  • Communicate the Benefits

  • FAQs in Relation to How to Increase Employee Participation in Wellness Programs

    • How do you increase engagement in wellness programs?

    • What types of activities should companies include in a wellness initiative to increase employee participation?

    • How do you promote employees health and wellness?

  • Conclusion

Business Hours

When it comes to employee wellness programs, sometimes the biggest hurdle is getting employees to actually participate. After all, it can be hard to get people to change their habits, even when it’s for their own good.

One way to increase employee participation in wellness programs is to make sure the events are DURING BUSINESS HOURS. People are more likely to participate while they are "on the clock" vs. after work when they have to pick up kids, make dinner and attend to other responsibilities. 

Making wellness program participation during business hours can be a good thing. For one, it removes any barriers to entry, such as cost or time commitment.

It also levels the playing field, so that everyone is on an equal footing. And, most importantly, it sends a strong message that your company is serious about employee wellness.

Of course, there are some potential downsides to making wellness program during business hours. Some employees may be busy with assignments or on calls

But, overall, we think the benefits of a wellness program during office hours outweigh the negatives of having people be busy during those hours.

What do you think?

Key Takeaway: One way to increase employee participation in wellness programs is to make sure the events are DURING BUSINESS HOURS

Offer Incentives

Incentives are a great way to increase employee participation in wellness programs. By offering incentives, employees are more likely to participate in wellness programs and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Incentives can be in the form of cash, prizes, gifts (how about a FREE yoga mat to anyone who shows up to a in-house on-site yoga class?) or even days off from work.

Employees who participate in wellness programs are healthier and happier, and they are more productive employees.

Create a Competition

When it comes to wellness programs at work, sometimes a little friendly competition can go a long way in getting employees to participate. If you're looking for ways to increase employee participation in your wellness program, consider creating a competition.

One way to do this is to offer prizes for employees who meet certain wellness goals. For example, you could give a gift card to the employee who logs the most steps in a month or who loses the most weight over the course of a year.

Another way to create a competition is to pit teams of employees against each other. For example, you could have a walking challenge where teams of employees compete to see who can log the most steps in a week.

Or, you could have a weight loss challenge where teams compete to see who can lose the most weight over the course of a month.

Not only will a little competition help to increase employee participation in your wellness program, but it will also help to create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among employees.

Key Takeaway: A little friendly competition can go a long way in getting employees to participate in wellness programs.

Communicate the Benefits

But did you know that effective communication is key to getting employees to participate in these programs?

That's right - without proper communication, your employees may not even know that your company offers wellness programs, let alone how to take advantage of them.

So, how can you communicate the benefits of wellness programs to your employees in a way that will increase participation?

Here are a few tips:

1. Make It Personal.

When you're communicating the benefits of wellness programs to your employees, make sure to emphasize how these programs can improve their personal health and well-being.

For example, you could explain how a wellness program can help them manage their weight, improve their fitness, or reduce their stress levels.

2. Use Concrete Examples.

It can be helpful to use concrete examples when communicating the benefits of wellness programs. For instance, you could share statistics about how much healthier employees who participate in wellness programs are, or you could tell a story about how a particular wellness program helped one of your employees achieve a health goal.

3. Keep It Simple.

When it comes to communicating the benefits of wellness programs, less is more. Use clear and concise language that your employees will be able to understand and remember.

4. Promote the Programs.

Make sure your employees are aware of the wellness programs that are available to them by promoting these programs through your company's communication channels.

For example, you could include information about wellness programs in your company newsletter, post flyers about them in the break room, or send email announcements about them to all employees.

5. Encourage Participation.

Finally, encourage your employees to participate in wellness programs by offering incentives.

For example, you could offer a discount on health insurance premiums for employees who participate in a wellness program, or you could give employees who participate in a wellness program a chance to win a prize.

Key Takeaway: Increase employee participation in wellness programs by making the benefits personal, using concrete examples, and keeping the information clear and concise.

FAQs in Relation to How to Increase Employee Participation in Wellness Programs

How do you increase engagement in wellness programs?

There are a few ways to increase engagement in wellness programs:

  1. Make the program fun and engaging by incorporating games, prizes, and social activities.

  2. Create a sense of community by forming teams or groups and encouraging friendly competition.

  3. Offer incentives for participation, such as discounts on health insurance premiums or gym memberships.

  4. Communicate regularly about the program and its benefits, using channels that reach employees where they are, such as email, posters, or social media.

What types of activities should companies include in a wellness initiative to increase employee participation?

There is no one answer to this question as different companies will have different employees with different interests.

However, some possible activities that companies could include in a wellness initiative to increase employee participation include offering a variety of fitness classes, on-site yoga and mediation classes, organizing group outings or challenges, and providing incentives for employees who reach their wellness goals.

How do you promote employees health and wellness?

There are a few ways to promote employees health and wellness:

1. Offer Incentives for Employees Who Participate in Wellness Programs.

This could be in the form of a discount on their health insurance premiums, or a cash bonus.

2. Make Sure That the Wellness Programs Offered Are Tailored to the Needs of Your Employees.

This could involve surveying employees to find out what type of programs they would be interested in, and then working with a health and wellness provider to create a program that meets those needs.

3. Communicate Regularly With Employees About The Importance Of Health And Wellness, And How Participating In Wellness Programs Can Benefit Them Both Physically And Mentally.

This could be done through emails, posters, or even presentations at company-wide meetings.


If you're looking for ways to increase employee participation in your wellness programs, try implementing some of the tips above.

By making it during business hours, offering incentives, creating a competition, and communicating the benefits of participating in a workplace wellness program, you can encourage more employees to get on board.

Are you looking for ways to increase employee participation in wellness programs? At Vibrant Yoga, we offer on-site corporate yoga for employees, and employee wellness events that can help boost engagement and morale. We specialize in helping organizations create customized programs that fit the needs of their workforce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company promote a culture of health and wellbeing!


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