How to Know If Meditation Is Working: A Guide

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote peace, relaxation, and self -awareness.

In recent years, meditation has become increasingly popular in the western world as a way to reduce stress, improve mental health, and boost overall well -being.

Table of Contents:

  • How to Know If Meditation Is Working: The Physical Signs

  • How to Know If Meditation Is Working: The Mental Signs

  • How to Know If Meditation Is Working: Changed Behaviour

  • How to Know If Meditation is Working: Improved Relationships

  • Why You Might Not Be Seeing Results From Your Meditation Practice

  • FAQs in Relation to How to Know If Meditation Is Working

    • How long do you need to meditate to see results?

    • What does successful meditation feel like?

  • Conclusion

How to Know If Meditation Is Working: The Physical Signs

Meditation has been shown to offer a plethora of benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving sleep and concentration.

But how do you know if it's actually working for you?

There are some physical signs that can indicate that meditation is having a positive effect on your body and mind.

Here are a few things to look for:

1. You're Sleeping Better.

If you're meditating regularly, you may notice that you're sleeping better at night. Meditation can help to calm the mind and ease anxiety, both of which can contribute to better sleep.

2. You're More Aware of Your Breath.

One of the main objectives of meditation is to focus on your breath. As you become more adept at meditation, you may find that you're more aware of your breath throughout the day, even when you're not meditating.

3. You're More Present.

Meditation can help you to focus on the present moment and let go of thoughts about the past or future. This can lead to improved concentration and a greater sense of peace.

4. You're More Calm.

Regular meditation can help to lower your stress levels and promote a sense of calm. You may find that you're able to better handle stressful situations and that you're less reactive overall.

5. You Have More Energy.

Despite the fact that meditation can be calming, it can also give you a boost of energy. This is likely due to the fact that it helps to reduce stress and improve sleep.

If you're noticing any of these changes, it's a good indication that meditation is working for you. Just remember that it's a practice that takes time and patience to master.

Stick with it and you're sure to see even more benefits in the long run!

Key Takeaway: Meditation has many benefits, including better sleep, more awareness of breath, and increased calm.

How to Know If Meditation Is Working: The Mental Signs

When it comes to meditation, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question, "How do I know if it's working? " However, there are certain mental signs that can indicate whether or not your meditation practice is having the desired effect.

If you're wondering whether your meditation is working, here are four mental signs to look for:

1. You're More Present.

One of the most common signs that meditation is working is that you find yourself more present in your day-to-day life. This means that you're not as easily distracted or caught up in your thoughts as you used to be.

Instead, you're able to focus on the task at hand and be fully present in the moment. This can be a sign that your meditation practice is helping you to train your mind to be more present and aware.

2. You're Less Stressed.

Another sign that meditation is working is that you may find yourself feeling less stressed overall. This is because meditation can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

If you're noticing that you're less easily frazzled and more able to cope with stressors in your life, it may be due in part to your regular meditation practice.

3. You're More Aware of Your Thoughts.

Another common sign that meditation is working is that you become more aware of your thoughts. This means that you're not as likely to be swept away by them or get lost in your thought processes.

Instead, you're able to observe your thoughts more objectively and with greater clarity. This can be a sign that meditation is helping you to develop a more mindful relationship with your thoughts.

4. You Feel More Peaceful.

Finally, one of the most significant signs that meditation is working is that you may find yourself feeling more peaceful overall. This is because meditation can help to still the mind and promote a sense of inner calm.

If you're noticing that you're feeling more at ease and at peace with yourself and the world around you, it's likely that your meditation practice is playing a role. These are just a few of the mental signs that can indicate that meditation is working for you.

If you're noticing any of these changes in yourself, it's a good indication that your practice is having a positive impact.

Key Takeaway: If you're more present, less stressed, more aware of your thoughts, and feel more peaceful, it's likely that your meditation practice is working.

How to Know If Meditation Is Working: Changed Behaviour

There's no surefire way to know if meditation is working, but you may be able to tell by observing changes in your behavior.

If you find yourself more patient, more tolerant of stress, and more able to stay present in the moment, it's likely that your meditation practice is having a positive effect.

How to Know If Meditation is Working: Improved Relationships

While the effects of meditation are often subtle, there are some ways to tell if it is working for you.

One way to know if meditation is working is by examining your relationships.

Are they more harmonious?

Do you find yourself better able to handle conflict?

If you're not sure, ask your loved ones how they've noticed a change in you since you started meditating. Another way to tell if meditation is working is by noticing how you react to stressful situations.

Do you find yourself more able to remain calm and collected?

If you're not sure, ask yourself how you would have handled a similar situation before you started meditating. If you would have reacted with more anger or anxiety, then it's likely that meditation is working for you.

Lastly, pay attention to your physical health.

Do you have more energy?

Are you sleeping better?

Are you less susceptible to getting sick?

If you notice any of these changes, it's a good sign that meditation is working for you.

Key Takeaway: There are some ways to tell if meditation is working, such as by examining your relationships or how you react to stressful situations.

Why You Might Not Be Seeing Results From Your Meditation Practice

If you've been meditating for a while and aren't seeing the results you want, don't worry.

Here are a few possible reasons why:

1. You're Not Doing It Regularly.

If you only meditate once in a while, it's unlikely that you'll see any significant results. Meditation is like any other skill - the more you practice, the better you'll become at it.

Make a commitment to meditate regularly, even if it's just for a few minutes a day.

2. You're Not Doing It Correctly.

There's no right or wrong way to meditate, but there are certain techniques that can be more effective than others. If you're not sure how to meditate correctly, consider taking a class or working with a meditation teacher. We come on-site to offer yoga and meditation sessions so you can learn techniques with a trained instructor. 

3. You're Expecting Too Much.

If you're meditating with the goal of completely eliminating all stress and anxiety from your life, you're likely to be disappointed. While meditation can certainly help to reduce stress and anxiety, it's important to manage your expectations.

Remember that meditation is a tool, not a cure-all.

4. You're Not Giving It Enough Time.

Like anything else, it takes time to see results from meditation. If you've only been meditating for a few weeks, it's normal to not see any major changes yet.

Be patient and give it some time.

5. You're Not Being Consistent.

If you're meditating inconsistently, it will be difficult to see any results. Meditation is a practice that requires regularity and consistency to be effective.

Make a commitment to meditate every day, or at least a few times a week, and stick to it. If you're not seeing the results you want from your meditation practice, don't give up.

Try to identify the reason why and make some adjustments. With a little effort, you'll be sure to see the benefits of meditation in no time.

Key Takeaway: To see results from meditation, you need to practice regularly, be consistent, and have realistic expectations.

FAQs in Relation to How to Know If Meditation Is Working

How long do you need to meditate to see results?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone experiences different results from meditation. Some people find that they see results immediately, while others may need to meditate for weeks or even months before they notice any changes.

However, if you are consistent with your practice and remain patient, you will eventually begin to see the benefits of meditation in your life.

What does successful meditation feel like?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone experiences meditation differently. However, some common signs that meditation is working include feeling more relaxed, less anxious, and more focused.

Additionally, many people report feeling a sense of peace and well-being after meditating.


There are many ways to tell if meditation is working for you. Some people may experience physical signs, such as improved sleep or reduced stress levels.

Others may notice mental benefits, such as increased focus and concentration. Additionally, changed behaviour and improved relationships are often indicative of a successful meditation practice.

If you're not seeing results from your meditation practice, give us a call and we can get you paired up with one of our trained meditation teacher who will be able to support you on your meditation journey. With regular commitment and effort, most people will eventually start to see positive changes in their life thanks to meditation.

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.


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