Mantras & Affirmations

Mantras posses potent manifesting power that lies within the universe. It's important to word these mantras & affirmations from the present moment as if it's already happening. Our words and thoughts are composed of energy and therefore contain extremely potent power to alter our reality.

I am exactly where I need to be
I am open to possibility
Happiness is the choice I make
I love the work that I do in the world.
I welcome abundance in all areas of my life
I am understood, loved and accepted
I am grateful for my struggles for they have shown me strength
I feel financially abundant, which fuels my passion for my work
I choose to let love in and fear out
I’m expressive & respectful in my relationships
I’m choosing to grow with grace
I’m playful with life
I trust that all is happening as it should
I expand my strengths to fuel my passion & support the world.
I trust my decisions and have faith in where I’m going
I let go of comparing, I let go of competing, I let go of judgments.
I let go of the need to know the outcome.
I let go of the need to be needed.
I let go to love as my guide.
I am enough
I am stronger than my struggles
I align with my power to heal, live fully and love completely
I love the feeling of being strong, vibrant and confident
I embody the feeling of wellbeing, being strong, confident and attractive
I feel joy in the present moment.
I’m open to feeling the energy of (love, balance, happiness etc…) in my heart
I let go of my worry.
I let go for my need for approval.
I know how magnificent I am
I let go of results


Inspirational Quotes


Shakshusha - a simple & satisfying breakfast dish at last