Employee Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich Employee Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich

Decoding Gen Z Jobs: Navigating the New Workforce Landscape

Gen Z: A New Generation of Workers

Gen Z jobs, they're not your grandpa's 9-to-5, are they?

This generation is redefining the workforce and it’s about time we caught up.

Their tech know-how isn't just a plus--it's now an indispensable qualification for success in the job world. And don’t even get me started on their demand for meaningful work – talk about setting the bar high!

But here’s the kicker: Gen Z doesn’t just want to make a living, they want to make a difference. That changes everything, doesn't it? Buckle up folks, because this ride through Gen Z jobs landscape promises to be anything but boring.

Understanding Gen Z Job Seekers

Dive into the world of Gen Z jobs and you'll find a fresh perspective brimming with early talent. From college students to high school graduates, these younger workers are stepping into the workforce with expectations and preferences that set them apart from previous generations.

The Unique Characteristics of Gen Z Job Seekers

It's no secret - Generation Z is digitally savvy. Growing up in an era dominated by technology has equipped this generation entering the job market with exceptional online navigation skills for both personal enjoyment and professional growth. They're not just using digital tools; they're mastering them, bringing immense value to tech-driven workplaces.

Beyond their technological prowess, meaningful work tops the list of priorities for Gen Z job seekers. This isn't your run-of-the-mill employment hunt; these individuals crave more than monetary compensation - they yearn to make a difference.

And let's talk about flexibility. Remote working options? Unconventional hours? These aren't perks but prerequisites for many within this demographic who seek autonomy over how and where they accomplish tasks.

If we understand anything about Gen Z so far, it’s that flexibility matters.

How High-Trust Workplaces Benefit Gen Z Workers

A culture built on trust does wonders for any workplace environment but especially resonates with Generation-Z employees. In fact, studies reveal that when part of high-trust companies as opposed to typical U.S workplaces, Gen Zers feel 56% more like they "make a difference".

This finding points towards the significance of creating open communication channels between management teams and younger workers based on mutual respect, which increases employee satisfaction while boosting productivity levels among staff members.

Dig deeper here to uncover why fostering trust is key in retaining young talent. Moving forward, if businesses want top-tier talent from among Generation-Z at their disposal, then understanding evolving needs becomes non-negotiable. 

Job Market Trends for Gen Z

We are witnessing a revolution in the job market as Generation Z steps into their careers. This fresh wave of workers brings unique expectations and perspectives to the table.

Salary Expectations for Gen Z Workers

The era we're living in is unlike any other, with Generation Z growing up amidst rapid changes and challenges. Their understanding of work-life balance and remuneration mirrors this reality.

Intriguingly, they place greater emphasis on finding meaningful work. Research indicates that employees who believe their jobs have "special meaning" are over twice as likely to stay put. However, it's essential not to misconstrue this preference; fair pay remains high on their list of priorities too.

Popular Career Paths Among Generation Z

The career preferences among these young professionals reveal an affinity towards sectors blending technology with creativity. Despite occasional hiccups leading to job losses, there's no denying that tech-oriented fields like digital marketing or software development attract them significantly.

A key reason behind this trend could be their entrepreneurial spirit, which resonates well within dynamic environments thriving on innovation - think start-ups. They enjoy spaces where out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged and rewarded.

As we've observed so far, the professional aspirations of Gen Z individuals involve more than just monetary compensation. They seek workplaces providing meaningful roles and opportunities for growth. This underscores why companies must devise effective strategies to retain these talented youngsters once onboard.

In our subsequent discussion focusing on how employers can engage Generation Z through wellness programs promoting mental health and well-being, this aspect gains prominence. Stay tuned for insights about creating engaging workplace cultures attracting the Gen Z workforce by prioritizing holistic employee wellbeing.

Unraveling the Gen Z job market: A fresh workforce with unique expectations, an emphasis on meaningful work and fair pay. Tech-creative fields are a hit. More insights coming soon on engaging them through wellness programs. #GenZJobs #WorkforceTrends Click to Tweet

Engaging Gen Z with Wellness Programs

The workforce landscape is changing, isn't it? Generation Z has arrived and they're bringing their own set of expectations. They crave a workplace that prioritizes not just the grind but also wellness.

Enter employee resource groups (ERGs). A great way to connect generations in the office. It's about building bridges through shared experiences and support. How beautiful is that?

Dedicated Networks for Inter-Generational Collaboration

Imagine an environment where everyone feels heard, regardless of age or position. That's what ERGs do - they encourage open dialogue among all employees.

And let me tell you something else: these networks are powerful tools for breaking down generational stereotypes. Team-building exercises, group projects – they foster understanding and lead to innovation that benefits us all.

Promoting Mental Health Through Yoga

Now let’s talk mental health – a key focus when engaging with Gen Z employees through wellness programs like Vibrant Yoga’s private sessions designed specifically for stress relief at workspaces nationwide. 

It may seem small, but regular participation can help reduce anxiety levels significantly - especially important considering many Gen-Z report higher rates of stress than older generations due primarily because they're starting careers amid uncertain economic times caused by global events like COVID-19 pandemic.

Employee Wellness Events

But it doesn’t stop there. Employee wellness should extend beyond daily routines into collective celebrations too.

What better way to strengthen bonds between coworkers irrespective their ages or positions than through companywide gatherings. These events allow younger generation employees to connect with older generations. They can share their motivations, personal and professional aspirations, while at the same time see how they contribute towards the greater organizational success. 

​Wellness events also enhance the sense of belonging and unity throughout the business, ultimately leading to happier, healthier and a more productive workforce. We know that an engaged workforce increases profitability dramatically and that these associates have lower rates of absenteeism and your business sees lower turnover rates. All of these factors contribute to improving your bottom line results. 

Key Takeaway: Making an investment in employee wellness pays dividends in lower absenteeism, lower turnover rates and higher engagement and productivity. 

FAQs in Relation to Gen Z Jobs

What jobs do Gen Z want?

Gen Z job seekers are drawn to roles that offer flexibility, purpose, and growth opportunities. Industries that are tech-savvy and have a social impact often attract this generation.

What does Gen Z value in a job?

This generation values meaningful work, diversity, inclusion practices, wellness programs, and flexible working arrangements. They also prioritize high-trust workplaces where their contributions are recognized.

Who are Generation Z workforce?

The Generation Z workforce refers to individuals born between 1997-2012 who are entering the labor market. They are digital natives known for their entrepreneurial spirit and desire for authentic connections at work.

Is Gen Z job hopping?

While it is too early to definitively label Gen Z as "job hoppers", they have shown a willingness to switch jobs if they are not satisfied with aspects such as pay or professional development opportunities.


So, we've navigated the terrain of Gen Z jobs together.

We now understand that this generation is unique, digitally savvy, and values meaningful work.

They thrive in high-trust workplaces where they feel engaged and impactful.

The job market trends show a shift towards flexible roles with competitive compensation packages for these young professionals.

Businesses are adjusting to accommodate the requirements of this generation, providing wellness initiatives that support mental health and overall wellbeing.

This is just the beginning - as more Gen Zers enter the workforce, it's up to us to keep evolving alongside them.

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Featured, Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich Featured, Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich

How Yoga Can Benefit Your Business and Employees

Yoga has been shown to improve mental and physical health, so it makes sense that incorporating a corporate yoga program could help improve employee wellness.

In fact, studies have shown that implementing a corporate yoga program can lead to increased productivity and decreased absenteeism.

Not to mention, happy employees tend to be more productive employees! So what are the downsides of implementing a corporate Yoga program?

There really aren't any! Unless of course you count the cost of hiring a qualified instructor – which is typically offset by the increase in productivity from healthier, happier employees.

Table of Contents:

  • Why is Workplace Wellness So Important?

  • What Is Corporate Yoga?

  • Benefits of Corporate Yoga

  • How Can Employee Wellness Be Improved With Corporate Yoga Programs?

  • Are There Any Downsides to Implementing a Corporate Yoga Program?

  • Conclusion

Why is Workplace Wellness So Important?

There are many reasons why workplace wellness is so important. For one, it can help improve employee productivity and morale. Additionally, it can help reduce health care costs for both employers and employees. Additionally, workplace wellness can help to create a more positive work environment overall.

Workplace wellness can help improve productivity and morale 

Its Important to Provide Helpful Resources for Your Employees to Feel Calm and Productive at Work. Use These Workplace Yoga Classes and Strength-Training Online for Team Building, Improving Employee Morale and Creating a Culture That Prioritizes Wellness and Self-Care

It's no secret that the workplace can be a stressful environment. In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to find ways to help your employees relax and de-stress. One great way to do this is by offering workplace yoga sessions.

Yoga has many benefits, both physically and mentally. It can help to improve strength and flexibility, while also promoting calm and relaxation. Regular yoga practice can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost energy levels.

Workplace yoga classes can be a great way to promote employee wellness and build team morale. They can also be a fun and bonding experience for your team. If you're interested in offering workplace yoga classes, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you'll need to find a qualified instructor. Look for someone who has experience teaching yoga to groups, and who is familiar with the needs of beginners. It's also important to make sure that the instructor is comfortable teaching in a corporate setting.

Next, you'll need to decide what format the class will take. Will it be a one-time event, or will it be offered on a regular basis? If you're offering the class on a regular basis, you'll need to decide how often it will be offered.

Finally, you'll need to promote the class to your employees. Make sure to let them know about the benefits of yoga, and how it can help them relax and de-stress. You can also offer incentives for employees who participate, such as gift cards or free class passes.

What Is Corporate Yoga?

Your job is stressful. You're always on the go.

You don't have time for yourself.

Sound familiar?

If so, you might want to consider corporate yoga. Corporate yoga is a type of yoga that is typically offered to employees at their workplace.

It is designed to help employees manage stress, improve their overall health and well-being, and increase productivity.

There are many benefits of corporate yoga, including:

  1. It can help reduce stress

  2. It can increase energy levels

  3. It can improve focus and concentration

  4. It can boost immunity

  5. It can promote better sleep

  6. It can improve flexibility and posture

  7. It can reduce back pain

  8. It can increase strength and stamina

  9. It can improve balance and coordination

  10. It can promote a positive outlook on life.

If you're looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, and reduce stress, corporate yoga may be right for you.

If you're looking to reduce stress, improve your health and increase productivity, corporate yoga might be for you!

Benefits of Corporate Yoga

When it comes to finding ways to improve employee productivity and morale, more and more businesses are looking into incorporating corporate yoga into the workplace. And it’s no wonder why! Studies have shown that corporate yoga can have a positive impact on both the mental and physical well-being of employees.

Here are just a few of the benefits of corporate yoga:

1. Improves Mental Well-Being

One of the most common complaints among employees is stress. In fact, studies have shown that stress is one of the leading causes of absenteeism and presenteeism (when employees are physically present but not productive) in the workplace.

Corporate yoga can help to reduce stress levels by teaching employees simple yoga stretches and postures, breathing techniques, and meditationmindfulness exercises.

2. Reduces Physical Complaints

Another common complaint among employees is physical discomfort. This can be caused by sitting at a desk all day, working long hours, or simply not getting enough exercise.

Corporate yoga can help to reduce physical complaints by teaching employees gentle yoga stretches and postures that can be done in the office or at home. These stretches and postures can help to improve posture, increase flexibility, and reduce tension.

3. Enhances Productivity

When employees are feeling stressed or uncomfortable, it can be difficult for them to stay focused and be productive. This can lead to lost time and decreased productivity for the business.

Corporate yoga can help to enhance productivity by teaching employees how to use breathing techniques and meditationmindfulness exercises to stay calm and focused.

4. Increases Morale

When employees are feeling stressed, uncomfortable, and unproductive, it can have a negative impact on morale. This can lead to increased absenteeism and presenteeism, as well as turnover.

Corporate yoga can help to increase morale by teaching employees how to use yoga and meditation & mindfulness to reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

5. Saves Money

When employees are stressed, uncomfortable, and unproductive, it can cost the business money in lost productivity, absenteeism, and presenteeism. It can also cost the business money in turnover.

Corporate yoga can help to save the business money by teaching employees how to use yoga and meditation & mindfulness to reduce stress, improve their overall well-being, and enhance their productivity.

If you’re looking for a way to improve employee productivity and morale, corporate yoga may be the answer. Contact a corporate yoga teacher today to learn more about how corporate yoga can benefit your business.

How Can Employee Wellness Be Improved With Corporate Yoga Programs?

It's no secret that employees are the backbone of any company. They are the ones who keep the wheels turning day in and day out.

So, it makes sense that companies want to do everything they can to keep their employees happy and healthy. And one way to do that is to offer corporate yoga programs. Yoga has been shown to have countless benefits for both the body and the mind.

It can help reduce stress, increase energy levels, improve flexibility and muscle strength, and even boost immunity. All of these benefits can help employees be more productive, more engaged, and less likely to call in sick.

Corporate yoga programs can be customized to meet the needs of any company. They can be offered as part of an employee wellness program or as a standalone service.

And they can be offered on-site at the company's office or off-site at a local yoga studio. Private yoga classes can also be a great way to improve employee wellness.

These classes can be tailored to the individual needs of each employee, and they can be a great way to bond with co-workers. It's a great way to show your employees that you care about their health and well-being.

Key Takeaway: Offering corporate yoga programs is a great way to improve employee wellness and productivity.

Employee Health = Company Wealth

When it comes to business, the old adage “time is money” has never been more true. In today’s fast-paced world, organizations are under constant pressure to do more with less, and employees are feeling the squeeze. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80% of workers feel stressed on the job, and half of them say that their job is very or extremely stressful.

The good news is, there are things that businesses can do to help their employees manage stress and improve their overall health. One of those things is yoga.

Yoga has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity and focus, and boost energy levels. In other words, it can help employees be more productive and efficient on the job. And when employees are healthy and happy, businesses thrive.

So, if you’re looking for a way to help your employees (and your business) perform at their best, consider offering yoga classes. Private yoga classes can be tailored to the needs of your employees, and they can be held at a time and place that’s convenient for your team.

Investing in the health of your employees is investing in the success of your business. Contact us today to learn more about our corporate yoga programs.

Are There Any Downsides to Implementing a Corporate Yoga Program?

When it comes to workplace wellness, there are a lot of options out there for companies to choose from. One option that has been gaining popularity in recent years is corporate yoga.

And while there are many benefits to implementing a corporate yoga program, there are also a few downsides to consider. For starters, corporate yoga programs can be costly.

While the initial investment may be worth it in the long run, it can be tough to justify the expense when there are other wellness programs out there that may be more affordable.

Another downside to corporate yoga is that it can be difficult to get employees to actually participate.

With busy work schedules and family commitments, it can be tough to get employees to make time for yoga. And even if they do make time, there may be some employees who are simply not interested in yoga.

Finally, corporate yoga programs may not be right for every company. If your company culture is not conducive to yoga or if you have employees who are resistant to change, then a corporate yoga program may not be the best fit.

Despite these downsides, corporate yoga programs can be a great way to promote workplace wellness. If you think a corporate yoga program could be right for your company, then it’s worth doing some research to find a program that fits your needs and budget.

Key Takeaway: Corporate yoga programs can be costly and difficult to implement, but they can also promote workplace wellness.


Overall, on-site yoga for your employees can be an extremely beneficial addition to your business. Not only will it help improve employee wellness, but it can also lead to increased productivity and decreased absenteeism.

So what are you waiting for?

Start looking into corporate yoga programs today!

If you are looking for a way to improve your health and wellness, consider corporate yoga, or employee wellness services from Vibrant Yoga. These services can help you relax and rejuvenate, while also improving your flexibility and strength. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your fitness goals!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Employee Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich Employee Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich

How Corporate Chair Yoga Can Help Encourage Employee Engagement and Wellness

We all know that feeling of being stressed out at work. Your to -do list is a mile long, your boss is breathing down your neck, and you can't seem to find a break.

It's tough to stay calm and focused under those conditions, but it's important to try.


Because chronic stress can lead to all sorts of health problems, from anxiety and depression to heart disease and diabetes.But there are ways to manage workplace stress before it gets the best of us.

One effective strategy is yoga – specifically, corporate chair yoga.

Corporate chair yoga involves doing gentle stretching and mindfulness exercises while seated in a chair (or standing up).

Corporate Wellness Events

When it comes to corporate wellness events, it's important to make sure that your employees are engaged and invested in their own wellness. After all, it's their health and wellbeing that you're trying to promote!

One great way to do this is to offer yoga and meditation classes as part of your event. This gives employees the chance to relax and de-stress, while also getting some exercise.

Chair yoga is a great option for those who may not be able to do traditional yoga, and it's a great way to get everyone involved.

Employee engagement is key to making sure that your corporate wellness event is a success. So make sure to offer activities that everyone can enjoy and that will promote a healthy lifestyle for your employees.

Table of Contents:

  • The Benefits of Employee Engagement

  • The Importance of Employee Wellness

  • How Yoga Can Help Employees Relax and De-Stress

  • Meditation for a More Productive Workforce

  • Corporate Chair Yoga: A Great Way to Encourage Physical Activity in the Workplace

  • Employee Engagement and Wellness Ideas Besides Yoga

  • Conclusion

The Benefits of Employee Engagement

It's no secret that happy employees are more productive employees. And while there are many factors that contribute to employee happiness, engagement is key.

Employee engagement is a measure of how motivated and invested employees are in their work. When employees are engaged, they're more likely to be productive, creative, and committed to their company.

There are many benefits of employee engagement, both for employees and for employers. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with their company, which reduces turnover and saves on training costs.

They're also more productive, which can lead to increased profitability for businesses. And because engaged employees are more likely to have a positive attitude and be team players, they can help create a positive work environment for their colleagues.

There are many ways to increase employee engagement, but one of the most effective is through corporate yoga and meditation programs. These programs can help employees reduce stress, improve their mood, and increase their focus and concentration.

And because they're more relaxed and focused, they're more likely to be engaged in their work.

Key Takeaway: Corporate yoga and meditation programs can help employees reduce stress, improve their mood, and increase their focus and concentration, leading to increased engagement and productivity.

The Importance of Employee Wellness

When it comes to the workplace, employee wellness should be a top priority for employers. A healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and there are a number of ways to promote employee wellness in the workplace.

One way to promote employee wellness is to offer yoga and meditation classes. Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and improve overall health.

Corporate chair yoga is a great way to get employees moving and promote wellness in the workplace. Another way to promote employee wellness is to encourage employee engagement.

Employee engagement activities can promote teamwork and communication, and help employees feel more connected to their work. Employee wellness is important for a number of reasons.

A healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and wellness programs can help reduce stress and improve overall health. Promoting employee wellness in the workplace is a win-win for both employers and employees.

Get your employees moving with corporate chair yoga! Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and improve overall health. Click To Tweet

How Yoga Can Help Employees Relax and De-Stress

Long hours, tight deadlines, and demanding bosses can all take a toll on our mental and physical health.

But there are ways to combat work-related stress. One of them is yoga.

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in India. It combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.

Yoga can help to improve our physical health, mental well-being, and emotional balance.

Physical health:

Yoga can help to improve our physical health in many ways. It can help to increase our flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance.

It can also help to improve our posture and relieve pain.

Mental well-being:

Yoga can help to improve our mental well-being by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. It can also help to improve our mood and cognitive function.

Emotional balance:

Yoga can help to improve our emotional balance by promoting self-awareness and calming the mind. It can also help to reduce anxiety and depression.

So, how can yoga help employees relax and de-stress?

Yoga can help to reduce stress by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension. It can also help to improve mood and cognitive function.

Additionally, yoga can help to improve our emotional balance by promoting self-awareness and calming the mind. If you are looking for a way to relax and de-stress, yoga may be a good option for you.

Key Takeaway: Yoga can help to reduce work-related stress by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and improving mood and cognitive function.

Meditation for a More Productive Workforce

In today's society, it's more important than ever to find ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. With the fast-paced world we live in, it can be difficult to find time to relax.

However, implementing a meditation program at work can be a great way to promote employee engagement and wellness. There are many benefits to meditation, including reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, and increasing energy levels.

For businesses, this can translate into a more productive workforce. Meditation can be done in a variety of ways, including corporate chair yoga, which is a type of yoga that is done in a chair.

Employees who are stressed out and overwhelmed are more likely to make mistakes, have accidents, and be less productive. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, businesses can help to reduce stress levels and improve employee productivity.

Looking to reduce stress at work? Try implementing a meditation program! It can help improve focus, concentration, and energy levels.

Corporate Chair Yoga: A Great Way to Encourage Physical Activity in the Workplace

When it comes to maintaining a healthy workplace, encouraging employees to be physically active is key.

And what better way to do that than by incorporating corporate chair yoga into the work day?

Not only is corporate chair yoga a great way to encourage physical activity, but it also has numerous benefits for employee engagement and wellness. For instance, yoga can help to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and boost energy levels.

Plus, it’s a great way to promote team building and camaraderie among employees. And with so many benefits, it’s sure to be a hit with your employees!

Looking to add some zen to your work day? Try corporate chair yoga! It’s a great way to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and boost energy levels. Plus, it’s a great way to promote team building and camaraderie among employees.

The American workforce is becoming more mindful. In a new study of more than 85,000 adults, yoga practice among U.S. workers nearly doubled from 2002 to 2012, from 6 percent to 11 percent. Meditation rates also increased, from 8 percent to 9.9 percent.

That’s good news, say the study authors, since activities like yoga and meditation have been shown to improve employee well-being and productivity.

So if you’re looking to boost your own wellness at work, why not give yoga or meditation a try? 

Employee Engagement and Wellness Ideas Besides Yoga

It’s no secret that yoga and meditation can be great for employee wellness. But if you’re looking for employee engagement and wellness ideas that don’t involve yoga or meditation, there are plenty of other options out there.

Here are a few employee engagement and wellness ideas to consider:

1. Offer Standing Desks or Treadmill Desks

If your employees are sitting for long periods of time, it can be detrimental to their health. Standing desks or treadmill desks can help employees stay active and reduce the risk of health problems associated with sedentary behavior.

2. Encourage Employees to Take Breaks

When employees are constantly working, they can become burned out. Encourage your employees to take breaks throughout the day to rejuvenate themselves. This can be anything from a quick walk around the block to a longer lunch break.

3. Offer Healthy Snacks

Healthy snacks can help employees maintain their energy levels and avoid unhealthy cravings. Consider stocking your office kitchen with healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and whole grain snacks.

4. Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activity is not only good for employees’ physical health, but it can also improve their mental health. There are many ways to encourage physical activity in the workplace, such as starting an employee walking group or offering fitness classes during lunch.

5. Promote Stress Management

Stress can have a negative impact on employees’ health and well-being. promote stress-management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. You could also offer employees access to a employee assistance program (EAP) to help them deal with stress.

These are just a few employee engagement and wellness ideas that don’t involve yoga or meditation. By offering a variety of wellness options, you can create a workplace that supports employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health.

Worksite Wellness

When it comes to worksite wellness, there are a lot of options out there. It can be hard to know where to start, or what will work best for your team. At Vibrant Yoga, we specialize in creating programs that are tailored to the needs of your employees. We know that a healthy and happy workforce yields better company culture, improved bottom line, and happier customers.

We offer private yoga, corporate yoga for employees, and employee wellness events. Our programs are designed to meet the needs of you and your team, no matter the size. We meet you where you are: in-person in Chicagoland area, livestream and hybrid.

Already have a wellness program? No problem; we will supplement any current offerings! Starting from scratch? Choose the program that best fits the needs and budget of your business!


Corporate chair yoga is a great way to encourage employee engagement and wellness in the workplace. By teaching employees how to relax and de -stress, corporate chair yoga can help them be more productive, efficient workers.

And when employees are happy and healthy, it benefits everyone – from the company bottom line to the individual worker.

If you're looking for a way to boost employee engagement and wellness, look no further than Vibrant Yoga! Our yoga and meditation classes are perfect for corporations looking to promote healthy lifestyles among their employees. We offer on-site corporate chair yoga classes that can be tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company promote employee wellness!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Wellness for Everyone

If you think that corporate yoga programs are just the province of large companies where everyone works at a desk all day, think again. In this article, we look at how corporate yoga programs are a cost effective benefit for every employee in every role. A study by Tower Watson Wyatt and the National Business Group on Health shows that organizations that put in place effective employee wellness programs retain and attract staff more easily. The consumer products company, Johnson and Johnson found that for every $1 spent on wellness, they saved a cumulative $2.71 in healthcare costs over the past decade.

Our white paper, How Employee Wellness Programs Can Positively Impact Companies’ Bottom Line, provides compelling evidence that companies with employee wellness programs are financially more successful.

Who Benefits from Corporate Yoga Programs?

When we consider the corporate world, we frequently imagine a sedentary workforce sitting behind a computer from 9 to 5. This is far from an accurate picture how people work; consider:

  • Delivery drivers 

  • Warehouse operatives

  • Hairdressers

  • Construction workers

  • Restaurant and hospitality sector

  • Retail sector

Many of these jobs require employees to spend most of the day on their feet, or lifting and carrying heavy objects which puts strain on the back and legs. In fact, the top causes of injury at work include overexertion and muscle strains as well as slips, trips and falls, and being struck by equipment or falling objects. 

The main reasons for being absent from work include minor illnesses, stress, anxiety, back pain and family problems. It is well documented that yoga and mindfulness meditation are valuable practices for helping with both physical and mental wellbeing leading to reductions in absenteeism and a stronger corporate culture.

Yoga for Non-office based Employees

Transport manager and yoga instructor, Heidi Sherwood has introduced yoga classes for HGV drivers at Tarmac, the UK multinational building materials and construction company, to help with flexibility. Heidi says:

“I try to keep it basic, focusing on loosening up the shoulders and making the spine more flexible. Simply by stretching they can begin to feel better. It releases endorphins and calms the central nervous system. There are lots of small benefits that will help with the rest of their day.”

UPS in the Napa Valley introduced a yoga program to reduce driver injuries.

Hairdressers spend the majority of their working day on their feet and frequently suffer from lower back pain. As well as developing flexibility and musculature, yoga movements and breathing rhythms revitalize the body’s internal organs.  The breathing practices increase the flow of oxygen is optimized throughout the body, improving blood circulation, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure. There are specific exercises, stretches and poses which focus on different parts of the body. We are able to create a program which targets the specific needs of your workforce so that they gain the most from regularly attending classes.

Yoga for Desk-based Employees

Being stuck at a desk in front of a computer, is both physically and mentally tiring. Stiff joints and weakened muscles can create difficult moving and enjoying exercise. Working from home doesn’t help, as with no commute home-workers hardly need to walk at all.

Having a regular online class, where colleagues are expecting you, is a good incentive for even the most unmotivated, remote employee!

Yoga for Small Teams

‍Corporate yoga programs are not just for large organizations. Here at Vibrant Yoga we teach both individuals and groups of people, in person and virtually. We teach departments and divisions of larger companies as well as delivering sessions to visiting colleagues from out of town or overseas. It’s a great ice-breaker and helps co-workers to get to know one another better in an uncompetitive, beneficial environment.

Yoga is a cost-effective benefit for the workforce. We help you design a program to suit the needs of your team and fit classes around your hours of work.

Get in touch today and discuss how Vibrant Yoga can help your company develop a yoga program so everyone benefits from physical and mental wellbeing. 

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich

Employee Wellness and the “Great Resignation”

A recent report from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the “Great Resignation” has continued into 2022 as more than 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in February. The challenge for companies is two-fold - the need to both retain and attract employees. As a result, this high staff turnover is costly, directly impacting the bottom line.

The decline in job satisfaction, heightened by the pressures of the pandemic, has resulted in high levels of resignations continuing much longer than expected. In other words, even though there has been a gradual return to work, dissatisfaction has continued at near to record levels.

Increasing Job Satisfaction 

One of the ways employers can help with retention and hiring is to treat their employees holistically. A report from Met Life found that “holistically healthy employees” are:

  • 74% more likely to be satisfied with their job.

  • 51% more likely to remain in their organization in 12 months’ time, and

  • 53% more productive.a

Furthermore, employees with companies that offer wellness programs are 1.6 times more likely to stay.

Wellness Programs contribute to the Solution

It is undeniable that wellness programs are an effective way for companies to address many of the emotional and physical challenges their workforce is experiencing. The benefits include:

  • Reduced absenteeism by improving health.

  • Increased productivity as employees are more rested, energized and motivated, resulting in better sleep.

  • More engaged with the company as they feel more cared for.

  • More connected with one another.

  • Strengthened morale resulting in increased satisfaction, feeling supported and valued.

  • Lower healthcare costs.

  • Better motivation, collaboration and teamwork.

New Models of Working

As companies look ahead to life after the pandemic, there are three basic options when it comes to returning to the workplace:

  1. Everyone going back to the office

  2. A hybrid model of working from home and one or more days a week in the office, or

  3. Fully-remote working.

When it comes to offering a wellness program which works for each of these models of working, our Employee Wellness Programs cater for both in-person and virtual sessions and we work closely with clients to build programs to suit their particular circumstances.

Our experienced team is able to facilitate a program that suits your employees’ working patterns and has the major advantage of needing little or no expensive equipment or dedicated space. Employees working remotely can enjoy virtual sessions from the comfort of their homes or, for those people who are back in the workplace, in-person sessions can be shared with colleagues in the office.

More specifically, yoga, meditation and mindfulness address many of the mental and physical needs of employees and go a long way to tackling the stress and burnout experienced by so many over the past two years, which has resulted in dissatisfaction in the workplace.

The Vibrant Yoga Employee Wellness Programs are designed to not only help your employees build strong, flexible, healthy bodies, but also have a positive effect on their cognitive abilities, reducing stress, and increasing memory, motivation and concentration.

If your company would like to explore how Vibrant Yoga can support your workforce with a wellness program please get in touch.

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