Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich

Revolutionizing Recognition in the Hybrid Workforce Era

The Recognition Revolution in Hybrid Workforce

Ever considered how much a simple 'thank you' could do in your hybrid workplace? It's not just words. It’s recognition, appreciation, and trust me, it can work wonders.

In this hybrid workforce era where video-calls have replaced water cooler chats, don't you feel we need to bring that human touch back?

We'll dive into how the recognition framework heightens the employee experience (especially within hybrid working) and helps ensure business goals are met. We’ll see why recognizing hybrid employees and personalization within these working models matters more than ever before.

The Impact of the Pandemic on Workplace Culture

After the pandemic, we found ourselves in a new working environment: the once buzzing office spaces fell silent as employees retreated to their homes to keep safe.

But with this sudden shift came an unexpected casualty - our organizational culture. A whopping 48% of leaders reported a decline in overall company culture and employee engagement with hybrid working models. So what happened and how can we ensure success while simultaneously embracing the hybrid work revolution?

Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Environment

The task of nurturing engagement in recognition programs is akin to climbing a steep hill - challenging, but the view from the top makes it worth every step. Just as an uphill journey needs careful navigation, fostering engagement too requires tactful handling of barriers.

In traditional workplaces, the constant chatter around coffee machines or over cubicle walls fosters a sense of community and connection that can sometimes be difficult to replicate with remote teams. 

But engagement is more than just participation; it's about creating a sense of belonging and enthusiasm towards company goals. Yet often this foundational element gets shaky due to hurdles like lack of personalization or failure to recognize remote employees equally.

So how can we create a successful hybrid work model? A recognition program. When the leadership team makes decisions based off employee feedback, opinions, and perspectives, the employees feel heard, valued, it will empower the team to stay connected.

Employees who feel recognized are five times more likely to feel connected with their organization's mission and values—a testament to how powerful acknowledgement can be.

A Shift Towards Virtual Wellness Programs

To avoid this "Great Resignation," leaders continue turning towards new options for recognition efforts, one of which being wellness programs like chair yoga sessions meditation classes, and massage therapies.

These efforts not only encourage current employees, but potential future workers as well. By providing remote work options, recognition programs, and flexible work hours as a standard within your company, you will undoubtedly be seen as a great place to work.

In turn, this can combat hiring challenges, simplify the onboarding process, and ensure you are attracting top talents.

Beyond Physical Health

Wellness isn't just about being physically fit; it encompasses mental health too – something all too relevant given rising stress levels amid ongoing uncertainty.

Yoga and meditation is proven to increase focus, concentration, and mental clarity, so rather than leaving your employees scattered, empower employees to balance work and personal lives through a wellness program.

The idea behind these initiatives is simple: create shared experiences that could bridge gaps left by physical distance while promoting a healthier work-life balance for for all employees working.

The Importance of Inclusive Recognition Strategies

With hybrid companies today, some team members might be across the hall while others are across the globe- no matter the time zones involved, it’s crucial to have inclusive recognition programs that acknowledge all employee efforts equally.

Each individual has their own motivations and desires to feel appreciated. Therefore, tailoring these initiatives by considering different work arrangements, cultural backgrounds or personality traits can significantly enhance their impact.

It is essential to remember that every individual has their unique passions and strengths- they aren't just any regular employee. Recognizing them for who they are as people outside of work can foster a deeper connection between them and the organization.

Think about it - wouldn't you feel more appreciated if someone acknowledged your love for gardening while praising your latest project success? Or mention how your passion for puzzle-solving helped solve an intricate problem?

One-size-fits-all doesn't cut it anymore. In diverse teams with varying needs and preferences, emphasize one-on-one time, set clear expectations, and tailor your recognition program to each employee- the total rewards for doing this is massive.

Social Recognition: A Culture Catalyst

Beyond traditional rewards like bonuses or promotions lies another potent form of recognition: social acknowledgment. The simple act of expressing gratitude towards someone for their great work can transform your organizational culture dramatically.

Hybrid workplaces are also honing in on other ways people, acknowledging not just work-related achievements but also personal milestones - birthdays, anniversaries, or any other significant event.

And leading hybrid should not translate into less appreciation. With digital platforms, we now have endless ways to shout out our coworkers’ accomplishments consistently no matter the work location.

Studies show that practicing social recognition can boost engagement, retention, performance, and future work. And isn't that what every organization strives for?

So it's simple: make sure your team knows their contributions matter—both to you and the company as a whole.

Key Takeaway: 

Employee recognition is a catalyst for engagement and connection to company culture. In our hybrid work era, inclusive programs that acknowledge both remote and in-office workers are key. Tailored rewards systems cater to diverse teams, while social acknowledgment fosters gratitude and boosts performance.

The Future of Workplace Culture and the need for The Recognition Revolution in Hybrid Workforce

Despite the hurdles that come with working remotely, these initiatives have shown that it's possible to keep workplace culture alive no matter where we're located.

We've seen that flexibility and connection can coexist in an organizational design, but striking the right mix is crucial. As we continue navigating these unprecedented times, let's start embracing hybrid while staying connected.

To make a lasting impact, let’s go beyond the conventional 'employee of the month' plaques or cash bonuses. Recognition needs to be meaningful and personal – tailored specifically for each individual's passions and strengths.

It might take more effort, but trust us when we say it's worth every bit. The outcomes? Enhanced employee engagement, improved job satisfaction levels, reduced turnover rates - all contributing to an overall positive work 


Workplaces have changed, and so has recognition. We're in the midst of a Recognition Revolution in the Hybrid Workforce era.

We've learned that inclusive recognition programs are crucial for remote and remote workers alike to feel connected. Personalization matters; recognizing someone as an individual first creates lasting impacts.

Social recognition? It's not just fluff. Practiced right, it can boost engagement, retention, performance while spicing up company culture.

Last but not least: engagement barriers do exist. Overcome them strategically for your initiatives to stick around longer - enhancing workplace relationships and loyalty along the way.

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich Employee Wellness Masha Liokumovich

Boosting Office Attendance: Ways to Encourage Employees IN

Getting Employees to Come Into the Office

Ever feel like a ringmaster, trying to lure the star performers back into the big top? You're not alone. In today's world of remote work and Zoom fatigue, many business leaders are grappling with ways to encourage employees to come INTO the office.

Remember that buzz in your ears as people bounced ideas off each other over their cubicle walls? Or those spontaneous water cooler conversations sparking creativity out of nowhere? Gone but not forgotten.

We've all had a taste of working from home now. Some loved it; others missed the camaraderie at work. How can we create an environment where everyone wins?

Dive in to find out how smart design, tech integration, and an emphasis on well-being can turn your office into a hotspot of productivity. By balancing work-life dynamics effectively, you might just see that the return-to-office trend isn't as far-fetched as it seems!

The Importance of Encouraging Employees to Come Into the Office

Encouraging employees to come into the office can bring about an increase in team building and employee engagement. Let's face it, Zoom meetings can't replace a good old-fashioned brainstorming session where ideas bounce off like popcorns. Not only does physical presence foster innovation, but it also stimulates a sense of belonging.

According to the Deloitte Human Capital Trends survey, 79% of respondents said that stimulating this feeling was crucial for their organization's success. Further evidence? A whopping 93% agreed that a sense of belonging drives organizational performance.

This begs us to ask one question: How do we motivate employees for regular office attendance? One answer lies in creating hybrid offices – a strategy blending remote work with scheduled on-site time.

Office Strategy: Hybrid Model To The Rescue?

A hybrid model allows employees some control over their working arrangements while providing opportunities for collaboration at the physical office. It’s no surprise then why around 40% out of more than 28,000 LinkedIn poll respondents prefer this method.

Remember those ergonomic chairs or standing desks you always wished your employer would get? Now might be the perfect time for business leaders making decisions about redesigning workspace. Little tweaks could make coming back feel comfortable and even exciting after such long periods away.

Promoting Team Building Through Yoga And Chair Massages

Besides these changes, introducing benefits like yoga classes or chair massages is another way to make employees look forward to office days. The secret? They offer an unexpected respite from routine work and create a positive vibe around the physical space.

So, as we plunge into this future where employees are at the heart of everything, it's vital for employers to take steps that foster deeper bonds among team members. This not only helps keep top talent in a cutthroat job market but also ensures everyone feels cherished and important in their workplace.

Key Takeaway: Boosting office attendance isn't just about getting bodies in chairs - it's about creating an environment that sparks creativity, promotes team building, and makes employees feel valued. Strategies like the hybrid model offer flexibility while physical changes to the workspace can add comfort. But remember, unique perks such as yoga classes or chair massages aren't mere extras; they're a part of making coming into work not only necessary but also enjoyable.

Creating an Engaging Office Environment

Revamping your office environment can play a pivotal role in making employees excited about spending their office days at the physical space rather than working remotely. Let's delve into how you can transform your workplace experiences to lure back team members.

Making Office Spaces More Welcoming

An attractive and comfortable workspace is a good idea for creating workplace appeal. Simple changes like introducing standing desks or ergonomic chairs not only help employees improve posture but also show that business leaders care about their health and comfort. But remember, it’s more than just the furniture.

Your mission should be to build stronger connections between people returning to work after a long period of remote working by providing opportunities for learning and professional development. As per LinkedIn poll data, around 40% out of over 28,000 respondents prefer hybrid work model - suggesting many still value some time in the physical office.

This highlights the need for designing spaces that support both focused work as well as collaborative tasks among team members – think quiet corners with cozy seating arrangements coupled with vibrant collaboration zones equipped with whiteboards and comfy couches.

The Role of Fun Elements

Fun elements within an office space are often overlooked but they have huge potential when it comes to attracting staff back on-site. For instance, adding plants or wall art might seem insignificant but these details create positive impressions that make people feel welcome – this is especially important given genuine concerns about returning after being forced into remote working due to pandemic circumstances.

To take things up a notch, why not introduce benefits such as free healthy snacks or smoothie bars? It may sound extravagant but these small perks add character to your office space and can play a part in making employees return.

Consider structured flexibility where people start their day with a morning yoga session or wind down at the end of the day with an evening meditation class. This way, you're not just creating an engaging environment but also promoting employee wellness which is always a plus point.

Key Takeaway: Revamping your office to make it more welcoming and engaging can encourage employees back on-site. It's not just about comfortable furniture, but also creating spaces that support focused work and team collaboration. Adding fun elements like plants, wall art or even free healthy snacks adds character while promoting wellness.

Addressing Concerns and Building Trust

In the shift back to office work, transparent communication is key. It's not enough just to open our doors; we need to address concerns head-on and build trust with employees who may be hesitant about returning.

A recent Gallup study discovered that clear messaging from business leaders during uncertain times can significantly improve employee engagement. This holds true as we navigate this new era of hybrid work.

Building Psychological Safety in the Office

To make people feel comfortable coming into the physical space, we must create an environment of psychological safety. Employees should know their health concerns are taken seriously, especially after such a long period of remote working due to genuine reasons beyond anyone's control.

We can foster this sense of security by addressing common questions upfront - about cleanliness measures, social distancing norms within office premises or changes made for better ventilation - nothing should be off-limits when it comes to ensuring our team members' well-being.

This strategy doesn't just apply at an organizational level but also needs individual attention. Managers play a critical role here; they're on ground zero with their teams daily so they need help identifying these signs early on and have candid conversations around them too.

Town Hall Meetings: A Platform for Dialogue

Rather than leaving your team members in doubt over return-to-office strategies or job market trends affecting them indirectly, host regular town hall meetings where you openly discuss what’s happening behind scenes. You could even invite health experts sometimes if needed.

This two-way dialogue helps us understand each other more deeply because no one likes feeling left out while making decisions impacting their lives directly. These platforms provide opportunities for everyone involved to voice their thoughts, thereby reducing unnecessary stress.

Structuring Flexibility

The future of employee wellness isn't just about offering ergonomic chairs or standing desks; it's also about structured flexibility. Giving your team the option to book office days according to their convenience can alleviate many concerns associated with returning full-time and ensure they feel valued as part of our Vibrant Yoga community.

So, this method gets your team pumped for face-to-face meetings and group work. But the best part? It doesn't shoehorn everyone into a single approach.

Key Takeaway: Transparent communication, psychological safety and structured flexibility are crucial in encouraging employees back to the office. Address concerns directly, make sure health measures aren't a mystery and offer flexible schedules that suit your team's needs. Regular town hall meetings can help foster understanding and build trust among team members.

Providing Incentives and Benefits

Think about this. What if we made the office not just a place to work, but also a hub for benefits that improve your daily life? Here's an idea - introducing new incentives like childcare stipends or pet-friendly policies can make employees excited about returning to their desks.

Why not turn your physical space into something more than just cubicles and conference rooms? A workplace with added perks is always going to be appealing.

Childcare Stipends: A Game-Changer

Imagine having help in balancing your professional commitments without worrying about the well-being of your children. That's where childcare stipend comes into play. Research shows how it positively impacts employee productivity, loyalty, and overall job satisfaction. It helps them get back on track after a long period away from the office due to remote working arrangements imposed by pandemic conditions.

When you give parents financial support for their kids' care during office hours, they'll have one less thing to worry about while focusing on work tasks at hand.

A Pet-Friendly Office Space?

Pets are family too. But here's what many employers miss out - when people feel comfortable bringing their furry friends along, it can actually enhance the sense of community within teams and boost morale among team members who prefer hybrid models over complete remote work situations. Pet-friendly policy studies suggest, such environments increase employee engagement significantly as they tend to spend more time at work and are less likely to feel stressed.

Isn't it a good idea, then, for business leaders looking to build stronger bonds among their teams while also attracting talent in today's competitive job market?

Remember - when employees have reasons beyond just "work" to eagerly return to the office, you're fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding. Isn't that what everyone desires?

Key Takeaway: Transform the office into a life-enhancing hub with benefits like childcare stipends and pet-friendly policies. These perks can increase employee excitement about returning to work, improve productivity, boost morale, and foster a stronger sense of community within teams. When we give employees more reasons beyond just "work" to come in, we create an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Fostering Collaboration and Team Bonding

Let's think about collaboration. It's more than just working together; it's a shared sense of purpose, the kind that can only come from in-person interactions. In-person sessions give team members a chance to brainstorm, share ideas, and build stronger relationships.

It's clear that it's simpler to comprehend somebody when we can look at them directly. That’s why bringing employees back into the office for these sessions could be such a good idea. Creating an atmosphere that encourages open communication can be a challenge.

Reducing Loneliness with Social Events

In addition to structured work meetings, social events play an important role in building bonds between colleagues and reducing feelings of loneliness among remote workers. These get-togethers help make sure everyone feels part of the team no matter how often they spend time at the physical office space.

You don’t have to book out fancy venues or hire professional event planners either. Simple activities like team lunches or even collaborative yoga classes done on site by companies like Vibrant Yoga can do wonders for employee morale – plus you might discover some hidden talents.

The trick is making your office not just a place where employees work but also somewhere they want to hang out because they genuinely enjoy being there. The key lies in introducing benefits that go beyond basic job requirements - think flexible working hours or even pet-friendly policies.

Making Decisions Together as a Team

Collaboration doesn't stop at social events though - decisions should also be made collectively wherever possible. For example, let your staff have input on future employee wellness programs or office layouts. This could foster a feeling of belonging and motivate employees to attend the workplace on a regular basis.

Let's not forget about hybrid work either - for many, the perfect balance lies somewhere between working remotely and coming into the office. To retain talent in today’s competitive job market, offering structured flexibility could be crucial.

Wrapping things up, promoting teamwork isn't only beneficial for productivity. It's a key factor in creating an environment where ideas thrive and employees feel valued. In turn, this leads to innovative solutions and happier, more engaged staff.

Key Takeaway: Let's not forget that a sense of belonging and shared purpose often comes from being part of decision-making processes. When team members are involved in shaping their work environment, they're more likely to feel connected and committed. This approach also promotes collaboration, reducing feelings of isolation among remote workers. Remember, creating an engaging workplace is about much more than just job duties—it's about fostering community.

Enhancing Work-Life Balance in the Office

Balancing work and life can feel like a juggling act, especially for employees returning to physical office spaces. Yet, with some creative strategies such as implementing flexible working arrangements and a hybrid model, it's possible to strike that balance.

Flexible work options are no longer just a perk; they're an expectation. A study revealed workers' preferences for hybrid work, indicating that offering flexibility could be key in enticing people back into the office.

The Hybrid Model: Best of Both Worlds?

The concept of hybrid working allows team members to spend part of their time at home and part in the office. This approach provides opportunities for face-to-face collaboration while still letting employees enjoy the benefits of remote working when needed.

It also helps alleviate genuine concerns about spending long periods away from family or facing unnecessary stress during commutes on full-time office days.

Fostering Flexible Working Arrangements

When implemented well, flexible schedules give your workforce control over where and when they get their job done. Such freedom not only enhances productivity but makes sure everyone has time for personal commitments too—thus building stronger psychological safety within teams.

This is vital because happy workers are productive ones—and feeling valued leads directly to improved performance. So, creating workplace conditions where employees improve both professionally and personally should be every business leader's goal.

A Structured Approach Towards Flexibility

If you want your staff excited about coming back into the office after a long period of remote work, consider offering structured flexibility. This could mean having set 'office days' where in-person meetings and team collaboration occur, with the rest of the week being open for employees to choose their working location.

As an added bonus, people returning will likely feel more comfortable knowing they have control over their schedules—making your office space all that more appealing.

Key Takeaway:  Striking a work-life balance in the office is like juggling, but creative strategies such as flexible working and hybrid models can help. Employees value flexibility; offering it could entice them back to the office. Hybrid working combines face-to-face collaboration with remote benefits, easing concerns about long commutes or time away from family. With well-implemented flexible schedules, employees get control over their own time, improving both productivity and job satisfaction.

Implementing Fun and Engaging On-Site Events

Imagine this. It's a Monday morning, you're headed into the office but instead of facing another day of monotonous work, you have something to look forward to - an invigorating yoga class or a soothing chair massage right there in your workplace. Now that’s motivation.

We at Vibrant Yoga believe that integrating fun and engaging on-site events can play a significant role in drawing employees back into the physical space. Why? Because it transforms mere "office time" into opportunities for relaxation, personal growth, and team bonding.

Making Work Feel Like Less Work

Incorporating activities like yoga classes doesn't just promote health; it fosters community among team members who might otherwise feel isolated after working remotely for so long. Plus, when people start looking forward to these shared experiences rather than dreading yet another day at their desks... We've personally witnessed the great potential that can be achieved when people start to anticipate these shared moments, rather than dreading another day of remote work.

The Magic Of Chair Massages

Ever tried typing out emails while getting a chair massage? If not (and even if yes), trust us when we say: it makes responding to every 'urgent' request much less stressful. A simple 15-minute session can drastically reduce unnecessary stress levels and help build stronger connections with colleagues sharing the experience.

A Taste Of The Good Life At Work

Now picture having access to such benefits regularly during your office days — sounds pretty tempting right? Well according our internal surveys here at Vibrant Yoga, it's more than just a good idea. It’s an effective strategy to get employees excited about spending time in the office again.

And remember, these are not mere gimmicks or passing trends. The world is rapidly changing and so should our working arrangements. As business leaders, we need to be agile and innovative when it comes to creating workplace experiences that not only meet but exceed employee expectations.

Key Takeaway: Spice up your office days with fun, engaging on-site events like yoga classes and chair massages. They don't just boost health and reduce stress but also build community among employees. It's a winning strategy to make work feel less like work, get people excited about coming in, and exceed their expectations.

FAQs in Relation to Ways to Encourage Employees to Come Into the Office

How do you encourage people to attend the office?

To boost office attendance, craft an engaging environment. Use perks like yoga classes or pet-friendly policies. Make sure there's a healthy work-life balance and plenty of team bonding.

How do you tell an employee to come to the office?

Talk openly about why it's important for them to be in the office. Share your vision for collaboration and creativity that thrives with face-to-face interaction. Be transparent and considerate.

How do you incentivize employees to come into the office?

Incentivizing can involve introducing new benefits such as childcare stipends or creating fun on-site events. A psychologically safe environment also makes returning more appealing.

How do you attract people to come back to the office?

To draw folks back, emphasize social aspects of working together physically—team building exercises, brainstorming sessions, or just casual watercooler chats all play their part.


Revitalizing the office experience is crucial. By now, you've seen that there are effective ways to encourage employees to come INTO the office.

Creating modifications to the environment can have a huge effect. Standing desks and ergonomic chairs help in making offices more appealing and comfortable.

Trust is key! Addressing concerns transparently fosters psychological safety. And remember, open dialogues work wonders for morale.

Incentives speak volumes too. Childcare stipends or pet-friendly policies? Yes please!

Foster team bonding with social events – who wouldn't want less loneliness?

Achieving work-life balance with flexible working arrangements makes returning to the office feel like a breeze rather than an uphill climb.

And finally, fun on-site events are irresistible perks - think yoga classes or chair massages!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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