Balanced Wellness, Featured, Strong & Flexible Body Masha Liokumovich Balanced Wellness, Featured, Strong & Flexible Body Masha Liokumovich

Celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Yoga

How will you celebrate International Yoga Day? It’s coming up on June 21st! Now is the time to plan an event for your organization or a get together with your friends and family at home or, even better, outside in nature.

Yoga Day in the Workplace

Whether your employees are based in multiple locations across the country or internationally, or are all on the same site, we have a solution for you. From a virtual mindful meditation and yoga session where different departments log in to participate from their offices, to in-person sessions, we have a team of highly experienced teachers to make your session accessible to beginners and experts alike. 

With a Vibrant Yoga session everyone is able to participate regardless of age or physical ability - there’s no competition involved. Everyone can feel part of the event without any anxiety. It’s all about helping each individual holistically to help them thrive in a way that suits them.

Recently, we were approached by a global management consulting firm looking to hold an event for a large team visiting their Chicago office. We had great feedback! Despite the fact that yoga is an individual practice, the idea behind this corporate event was to bring the team together, creating a feeling of community, connection and oneness. When so many people have been working remotely over the past two years, our in-person sessions really help teams connect with one another again.

Yoga with Friends and Family

Alternatively, take advantage of the warmer weather and arrange a mindfulness meditation and yoga session with your friends and family outdoors. Getting back to nature helps us to appreciate the world around us and the energy we receive when grounding ourselves to the earth.
Our sessions are that rare combination of fun combined with an active practice which results in a calm, relaxed, stress-free feeling. Enjoy time together and create memories which you’ll reflect on for many months.

The background to the International Day of Yoga

Since 2014 when the United Nations proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, there have been events each year to spread the awareness of the benefits of yoga across the globe.

The fact that the resolution, which was proposed by India, was endorsed by 175 member states only goes to demonstrate the importance the UN places on yoga as a practice which is beneficial for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Last year, during the pandemic the UN focused on providing a number of meditation resources to help calm the mind and reduce levels of stress and anxiety in an uncertain world. They also signposted resources from the World Health Organization, which lists yoga as a means to improve health in its Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world.

Furthermore, UNICEF's ‘Get Active, Save Lives’ initiative lists ten yoga poses which are safe and beneficial for children to practice and provide them with the same benefits as adults. So, yoga is a fun activity for the whole family and our private wellness programs can be adapted to suit all members of the family, young and old.

However, we would highly recommend that you seek the advice of an experienced teacher for you and your children as it is important that each of the poses is carried out correctly ensuring the body is in the correct position.

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