Featured, Balanced Wellness, Strong & Flexible Body Masha Liokumovich Featured, Balanced Wellness, Strong & Flexible Body Masha Liokumovich

Is Yoga Aerobic or Anaerobic? The Answer Might Surprise You!

The answer might surprise you! While most forms of yoga are not technically considered “cardio”, they can still provide many of the same benefits as traditional aerobic exercise.

Yoga is a great way to increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping without putting stress on your joints. It can also help improve lung function and increase endurance levels over time.

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Yoga?

  • The Different Types of Yoga

  • Is yoga aerobic or anaerobic?

  • The Benefits of Practicing Yoga

  • Tips for Beginners

  • FAQ's in Relation to Is Yoga Aerobic or Anaerobic?

    • Why is yoga not an aerobic exercise?

    • What type of yoga is aerobic?

  • Conclusion

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000-year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

This mind-body practice has many benefits for both the body and mind. When most people think of yoga, they think of the physical practice of yoga asanas (yoga postures or poses).

However, asanas are just one small part of the eight-limb path of yoga outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

The eight limbs of yoga are:

Yama (restraints):

  • ahimsa (non-violence)

  • satya (truthfulness)

  • asteya (non-stealing)

  • brahmacharya (continence)

  • and aparigraha (non-possessiveness)

Niyama (observances):

  • saucha (purity)

  • samtosa (contentment)

  • tapas (austerity)

  • svadhyaya (self-study)

  • and isvara pranidhana (surrender to a higher power)

Asana (physical postures):

practice of yoga postures to purify the body.

Pranayama (breath control):

various breathing techniques for purifying and steadying the breath.

Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses):

withdrawal of the senses from external objects and focus inward.

Dharana (concentration):

focusing the mind on a single object.

Dhyana (meditation):

continuous flow of concentration.

Samadhi (absorption):

Complete union of the individual self with the universal self. Yoga is not just an exercise regime, it is a complete mind-body-spirit practice that can be used to improve your health in many different ways.

Yoga can be used as a form of aerobic exercise, but it is not limited to this. Yoga can also be used as a form of anaerobic exercise, depending on the type of yoga you are practicing.

If you are looking for a form of exercise that can improve your cardiovascular health, then you may want to try a form of yoga that is more aerobic in nature.

If you are looking for a form of exercise that can help improve your strength and flexibility, then you may want to try a form of yoga that is more anaerobic in nature.

No matter what your fitness goals are, there is a type of yoga that can help you achieve them.

Key Takeaway: Yoga is a mind and body practice with many benefits for both the body and mind. It can be used as a form of aerobic or anaerobic exercise, depending on the type of yoga you are practicing.

The Different Types of Yoga

When it comes to yoga, there are many different types and styles that you can choose from.

But what exactly is yoga, and is it aerobic or anaerobic?

Yoga is a form of exercise that involves various physical postures and breathing techniques. It originated in India and has been practiced for centuries.

Yoga can be used for relaxation, stress relief, and improving overall health. There are many different types of yoga, each with its own focus and benefits.

Some common types of yoga include:

Hatha yoga:

This is a basic type of yoga that focuses on gentle, slow movements and deep breathing. It’s a good choice for beginners or people who want a more relaxed yoga experience.

Vinyasa yoga:

This type of yoga is more fast-paced and active, with a focus on linking breath with movement. It’s a good workout and can help improve cardiovascular health.

Yin yoga:

This type of yoga focuses on slow, deep stretches and is designed to improve flexibility. It’s a good choice for people who want a more meditative yoga experience.

As for whether yoga is aerobic or anaerobic, the answer is both. Yoga can be aerobic if it’s practiced at a more vigorous pace, but it can also be anaerobic if it’s practiced at a slower, more relaxed pace.

So, it really depends on the type of yoga you’re doing and your own fitness level. If you’re new to yoga, or if you’re looking for a more relaxing experience, then hatha or yin yoga may be a good choice for you.

If you’re looking for a more challenging workout, then vinyasa yoga may be a better option. Ultimately, it’s up to you to find the type of yoga that you enjoy and that fits your own fitness goals.

Key Takeaway: There are many different types of yoga, each with its own focus and benefits. Yoga can be aerobic or anaerobic, depending on the type of yoga and your fitness level.

Is yoga aerobic or anaerobic?

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that can be done by people of all ages and levels of fitness. Though it is often thought of as a calm and relaxing activity, yoga can actually provide a good workout.

The question of whether yoga is aerobic or anaerobic has been debated by experts for years.

Here's a look at the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise:

Aerobic exercise is any type of activity that uses large muscles and causes you to breathe more deeply and quickly. This type of exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and is the best type of exercise for improving your overall fitness.

Anaerobic exercise is a type of activity that is of high intensity and causes you to breathe more quickly than normal. This type of exercise is typically done in short bursts and is not sustainable for long periods of time.

Anaerobic exercise is great for building muscle and improving your power and speed.

So, what type of exercise is yoga?

Yoga is actually both aerobic and anaerobic. The aerobic benefits of yoga come from the fact that it requires you to use large muscles groups and move your body in a continuous, flowing motion.

The anaerobic benefits come from the fact that some yoga poses require you to hold your body in a static position for a period of time. This type of activity is called isometric exercise and it can be quite challenging, especially if you are not used to it.

Overall, yoga is a great form of exercise that can provide both aerobic and anaerobic benefits. It is low impact, so it is easy on your joints, and it can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels.

Key Takeaway: Yoga is both aerobic and anaerobic, making it a great form of exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels.

The Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Some people believe that yoga is nothing more than a form of exercise, while others believe that it can offer a wide range of health benefits, both physical and mental.

So, what is the truth?

Is yoga aerobic or anaerobic?

The answer to this question is a little bit complicated. Yoga is technically considered to be an aerobic activity, because it does raise your heart rate and get your blood flowing.

However, there are also a lot of elements of yoga that are considered to be anaerobic, or non-aerobic. This means that they don’t necessarily raise your heart rate or get your blood flowing, but they do still offer a lot of benefits.

So, what are some of the benefits of practicing yoga?

First of all, yoga can help to improve your flexibility and range of motion. This is because yoga involves a lot of stretching and twisting, which can help to loosen up your muscles and joints.

Additionally, yoga can also help to strengthen your muscles, because many of the poses require you to use your own body weight to resistance. Another benefit of yoga is that it can help to improve your balance and coordination.

This is because yoga requires you to focus on your breath and your posture, and to be aware of your body and how it is moving through space.

This can help to improve your balance and coordination, because you will be less likely to lose your balance and fall if you are more aware of your body and how it is moving.

Lastly, yoga can also help to improve your mental well-being. This is because yoga requires you to focus on your breath and to be in the moment.

This can help to clear your mind and to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, yoga can also help to improve your sleep quality, because it can help to relax your mind and body and to promote a deeper and more restful sleep.

These are just a few of the many benefits that you can experience by practicing yoga. Whether you want to improve your physical health, your mental well-being, or both, yoga can definitely help you to achieve your goals.

Key Takeaway: Yoga is an aerobic activity that can offer many physical and mental health benefits.

Tips for Beginners

When it comes to working out, there are two main types of activities:

Aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic activities are those that get your heart rate up and make you breathe harder, while anaerobic activities are those that require short bursts of energy.

Yoga is a great example of an aerobic activity, as it requires you to move your body and get your heart rate up. However, it is also an anaerobic activity, as it requires you to hold poses and use your muscles to support your body.

If you're new to yoga, it's important to start slow and ease your way into it.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you have a successful and enjoyable experience:

1. Choose the Right Class.

If you're new to yoga, it's important to find a class that is geared towards beginners. There are many different types of yoga, so it's important to find one that you're comfortable with.

2. Listen to Your Body.

Yoga is all about listening to your body and being in tune with your breath. If you feel pain or discomfort in any pose, be sure to stop and rest.

3. Don't Compare Yourself to Others.

Everyone is at a different level when it comes to yoga, so it's important not to compare yourself to others in your class.

4. Have Fun!

Yoga is supposed to be enjoyable, so make sure to relax and have fun with it.

Key Takeaway: Yoga is an aerobic and anaerobic activity that is great for beginners. Be sure to find a class that is comfortable for you and listen to your body.


So, is yoga aerobic or anaerobic?

The answer is a little bit of both! Yoga can provide many of the same benefits as traditional aerobic exercise, but without the joint pain.

It’s also great for improving lung function and increasing endurance levels over time. So whether you’re looking to get your heart rate up or just want to improve your overall health, yoga is a great option!

Looking for a way to promote employee wellness and team building in your workplace? Look no further than Vibrant Yoga! We offer private yoga classes, corporate yoga packages, and customized employee wellness programs that are perfect for any business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a healthier, happier workplace!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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Balanced Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich Balanced Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich

Tips for Maintaining Good Mental Wellbeing

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we are looking at practical tips you can apply to look after your mental wellbeing. Just like taking time and investing in our physical health, it’s important to adopt some new habits to support our mental health even if we aren’t struggling or feeling low, anxious or stressed as this helps us to manage any difficult times in the future.

Tip 1. Be in the Present

Sometimes known as being more mindful, being in the present helps us to gain perspective on our feelings. We can define mindfulness as:

“Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

One of the easiest ways of being in the present is to practice simple breathing techniques by following a sequence of inhalations and exhalations which helps to relieve stress and tension. 

Tip 2. Take up Relaxation 

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and helps to quieten the mind resulting in a deep state of relaxation. This is particularly important for people who feel overwhelmed by the busy lifestyle where the demands on their time and attention can be burdensome. With time, the benefits of meditation extend throughout the day helping you to cope with stress and remain calm.

Tip 3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Research from the Sleep Foundation shows that adults need between 7-9 hours sleep a night, with older people needing a little less (1). Some of the many ways to promote a good night’s sleep include:

  • Sticking to a schedule by going to bed at the same time.

  • Having a restful bedroom and comfortable bed.

  • Turning off electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime.

  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol near bedtime.

  • Including physical exercise daily.

  • Limiting daytime naps

We also have a whole page dedicated to SLEEP tips and tricks

Tip 4. Move Your Body

A healthy body helps to strengthen a healthy mind. Being active, getting outside and having a balanced diet impacts how we feel. Making small changes to our routines every week adds up to making a big difference over the months. Foods that can support your mood include fatty fish (rich in omega-3s), nuts, avocados, beans, leafy greens such as spinach, kale and Brussels sprouts and fresh fruit. 

Exercise makes an important contribution to a healthy lifestyle. From taking a walk in the park or a hike in nature, to a game of tennis or a gym session, getting the body moving helps lift your mood. During high-intensity exercise the body produces hormones, such as endorphins which are known as the body’s ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

Tip 5. Connect with other People

Social interaction is important for our mental wellbeing and although it is hard to be sociable when you are feeling low it is important to spend quality time with family and friends or participating in group activity such as an art group, yoga class, book club or singing in a choir. Even calling a friend for a chat can lift your spirits.

Tip 6. Take Time for Yourself

While having time with other people is important, there is a balance to be struck and setting time aside to pursue a new hobby or learn a new skill is good for our wellbeing. Whether it’s a jog around the park or a relaxing bath, the aim is to find an enjoyable activity which allows you to unwind.


Tip 7. Seek Professional Help

For those people who continue to struggle it is important to seek help from a professional and in the first instance it is advisable to speak to a general practitioner who can make a referral to a specialist.


One of the major benefits of participating in either our Corporate or Private Wellness Programs is that the majority of these tips are incorporated into our teaching. Vibrant Yoga teaching and guidance provides you with a chance:

  • to be present, 

  • to meditate, 

  • to take time for yourself either on your own or with others

  • to stretch and strengthen the body, and

  • to rejuvenate both the body and the mind.

Sharing the benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness for both physical and mental wellbeing is at the core of all we do.

(1) https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need

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