Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich

Celebrate with Yoga

Yoga for all your events

It’s time to get together with friends and family and celebrate! Our private yoga events are a unique way of spending time together with a healthy twist. Now we are able to get together again, why not host a yoga party for a:

  • Birthday celebration

  • Bachelorette party

  • Corporate event

  • Appreciation event

  • Anniversary

  • Backyard get-together

Our sessions can be tailored to your party theme and give guests who haven’t tried yoga before the opportunity to experience something different, and for those who regularly take part in yoga classes, they’ll enjoy an extra session! 

Yoga really is for everyone, whatever their age or fitness level. It’s an inclusive activity even for people who say they can’t touch their toes - it can even be done in a chair.

Take your Yoga Practice Outside

As the weather warms up, it’s great to get outside and breathe in some fresh air. Placing your feet in contact with the grass or earth, known as ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’, is beneficial for making you feel connected to nature. We all feel better when we’re outside, particularly at one of our great Forest Reserves or State Park, or on the beach at Lake Michigan. For a get-together with friends your backyard or a local park is also great!

For a corporate event, approach your chosen venue and arrange to book a place in their grounds. An area of grass near a pool or water feature is perfect. 

If your bachelorette, anniversary or birthday party is being held at a hotel, ask the event coordinator to reserve a place with some shade for you to hold your yoga party. If you have chosen to rent a house for your celebration, check out if there is an area suitable for your yoga party before you book.

Yoga Parties are for everyone

Our yoga parties are so flexible that you can pair yoga with meditation and other activities, combining fun, fitness and wellbeing. 

We are passionate about sharing this fantastic practice and want to spread the love and offer you an activity which promotes wellness and an opportunity to celebrate in a relaxed atmosphere. Create wonderful memories with your guests and feel vibrant, restored and connected.

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Balanced Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich Balanced Wellness, Featured Masha Liokumovich

Make Your Own Healthy Fruit Punch This Summer

Summer is filled with fun festivals and carnivals, birthday parties and BBQs, which unfortunately is filled with sugary drinks and processed foods, leaving you bloated, depleted & still hungry. While it's OK to indulge once in a while, after weeks of over-indulging on these zero nutritious foods, you will start to feel it in your body & notice it in your mood.  

I have just the recipe for you to quench your thirst in a natural and refreshing kind of way with a Home-Made Fruit Punch.

Summer is filled with fun festivals and carnivals, birthday parties and BBQs, which unfortunately is filled with sugary drinks and processed foods, leaving you bloated, depleted & still hungry. While it's OK to indulge once in a while, after weeks of over-indulging on these zero nutritious foods, you will start to feel it in your body & notice it in your mood.  

I have just the recipe for you to quench your thirst in a natural and refreshing kind of way with a Home-Made Fruit Punch. The recipe comes from an old school Russian Kompot, which is made by nearly every Russian and Ukrainian family. However, instead of the traditional sugar, I replace it with just 3 dates which is enough to sweeten a whole gallon of fruit punch. The best part is there are gazillion ways to make it and no real science to it. It's fun to explore with different types of berries & fruits. If 3 dates isn't doing it for you, add 4 or 5. And don't feel bad, because dates are full of various vitamins and minerals.


  • 6 oz of any type of frozen berries: raspberries, blueberries, currants etc.

  • 1 cup of red grapes

  • 3 dates

  • 6 oz frozen cherries (I consider this a must in every fruit punch because it gives the juice its vibrant red color, is perfectly tangy & full of antioxidants)

  • 2 cored and quartered apples (or pears)


  • Bring 1 gal of water to a boil in a pasta pot (great for draining out the fruit punch in one swift pull)

  • Get your berries/fruits ready. Feel free to get creative here. Sometimes I just throw in whatever frozen, dried or fresh (about to go bad) I have in the house: all types of berries, pears, cranberries, currants, apples, oranges, grapes, lemons, figs etc. work out just lovely

Fresh picked currants from the garden go right into our fruit punch

Fresh picked currants from the garden go right into our fruit punch

  • When the water starts to boil, carefully add fruit and bring water back to a boil

  • Switch heat to medium and let the mixture boil for 30 min uncovered

Currant leaves smell amazing and give off a tangy taste

Currant leaves smell amazing and give off a tangy taste

  • Let the fruit punch cool completely, strain off the juice by slowly pulling up the top layer of the pasta pot and refrigerate.

  • Serve chilled. Or in the winter, when it's cold, I LOVE to snuggle up with a cup of warm kompot.

Pitcher full of summer goodness

Pitcher full of summer goodness

So that's it, so simple, so delicious & satisfying! <3


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