Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich

DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

Are you looking for an easy and effective way to clean your yoga mat without breaking the bank? DIY yoga mat cleaner is a great option that allows you to keep your practice space hygienic while saving time and money. In this blog post, we'll share our top tips on how to make do it yourself yoga mat cleaner with simple ingredients found around your home, as well as the benefits of yoga, why having a qualified instructor can make all the difference in private sessions. 

Table of Contents:

  • Benefits of Yoga

  • DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

  • Private Yoga Sessions with a Qualified Instructor

  • Corporate Yoga and Employee Wellness Programs

  • Events and Workshops Featuring Yoga Instruction

  • FAQs in Relation to Do It Yourself Yoga Mat Cleaner

    • What is a good cleaner for yoga mats?

    • How do you clean a yoga mat without vinegar?

    • Can I use hand sanitizer to clean yoga mat?

    • Can I use baby wipes on my yoga mat?

  • Conclusion

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries, and its benefits are still being discovered today. It can be used to improve physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. Here we will explore the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of yoga.

Physical Benefits: Regularly practicing yoga can help to improve strength and flexibility in your body as well as balance and coordination. It also helps with posture by increasing core strength which can lead to better alignment of the spine. Yoga also increases blood flow throughout the body which helps with circulation as well as providing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body for improved energy levels.

Mental Benefits: Practicing yoga regularly can help reduce stress levels while improving focus and concentration due to its calming effect on both mind and body. It also encourages mindfulness which allows us to become more aware of our thoughts so that we may take control over them instead of letting them run wild in our minds unchecked. Additionally, it helps us learn how to relax when needed so that we don’t become overwhelmed or stressed out easily during difficult times or situations.

Yoga provides a sense of peace within ourselves by connecting our breath with movement. This connection creates a feeling of unity between mind, body, and spirit which allows us access to our inner selves where emotions reside untouched by external influences or judgement from others. Through this self-awareness we can learn how to accept ourselves and develop healthier relationships with those around us without expecting anything in return.

Key Takeaway: Yoga provides numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits that can help us improve our overall health. Regular practice helps increase strength and flexibility in the body, improves posture and circulation, reduces stress levels while improving focus and concentration, encourages mindfulness for better control over thoughts, and creates a sense of unity between mind, body, and spirit to access inner emotions.

DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

Cleaning your yoga mat is an important part of maintaining its quality and longevity. While you can purchase a yoga mat cleaner from many stores, it’s also easy to make your own DIY version at home. Here are the materials needed, step-by-step instructions, and tips for successful cleaning:

Materials Needed: To make your own yoga mat cleaner you will need 1 cup of water, ½ cup of white vinegar or witch hazel, 10 drops of essential oil like lavender for calm, peppermint to uplift or tea tree for antimicrobial action (optional), and a spray bottle.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Begin by combining the water and vinegar in the spray bottle. If desired add 10 drops of essential oil for scent. Shake well to combine all ingredients before each use as they may separate over time. Spray liberally onto both sides of your yoga mat until damp but not soaking wet then wipe down with a clean cloth or paper towel until dry.

For successful cleaning, make sure to keep up with regular cleaning sessions after each practice session using a homemade cleaner as sweat can cause bacteria build up on mats which could lead to skin irritation or infection if left uncleaned too long between uses. Do not saturate the mat when spraying; just enough liquid should be used so that it is damp but not dripping wet when wiping down afterwards with a cloth or paper towel. Finally, store your mat in an open space where air can circulate around it such as hanging on a wall hook instead of rolled up inside another bag or container while not in use so that any residual moisture from cleaning evaporates completely before next use.

Key Takeaway: Making your own DIY yoga mat cleaner is easy and can help you maintain the quality of your mat for a longer period of time. 

Private Yoga Sessions with a Qualified Instructor

Private yoga sessions with a qualified instructor can be incredibly beneficial for those looking to deepen their practice and gain a better understanding of the poses. Private sessions provide an opportunity to ask questions, receive personalized instruction, and focus on individual goals.

Advantages of Private Sessions: One-on-one instruction allows for more personalized attention than group classes. This can help you become aware of any misalignments in your poses that could lead to injury if not corrected. You’ll also have the chance to ask questions about proper form or modifications without feeling self-conscious or interrupting the flow of class like you might in a larger setting. Additionally, private sessions are tailored specifically towards your needs and goals; whether it’s improving flexibility, increasing strength, reducing stress levels, or learning new postures – your instructor will work with you to create an individualized plan that meets all these objectives.

Finding the Right Instructor for You: When searching for an instructor it is important to find someone who has experience teaching different styles of yoga as well as various skill levels so they can best meet your needs. Ask friends or family members who practice yoga if they have any recommendations; alternatively search online directories such as Yoga Alliance which list certified instructors by location and style taught. It is also recommended that you take at least one class with them before committing to multiple private lessons so you know what type of teacher they are and how comfortable their teaching style makes you feel. At Vibrant Yoga, we come on-site, to you, anywhere in Chicagoland for private customized yoga sessions in the comfort of your home or office.

Before each session, make sure that both yourself and your instructor are clear on what areas need improvement/focus during class time so neither party wastes time trying to figure out what should be done next during the session itself. Make sure to bring any props (blocks/straps) necessary ahead of time as well, so there isn't any disruption due to lack thereof mid-session. Finally, ensure that both parties have exchanged contact information prior in case anything changes last minute; this helps keep everyone organized and prepared.

Key Takeaway: Private yoga sessions are incredibly beneficial for those looking to deepen their practice and gain a better understanding of the poses. 

Corporate Yoga and Employee Wellness Programs

Corporate yoga and employee wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. These programs offer a variety of benefits to employers and employees alike, from improved morale to increased productivity. Implementing an effective program can be challenging, but with the right resources and ideas it is possible to create a successful program that meets the needs of your organization.

Benefits to Employers and Employees Alike: Corporate yoga offers numerous physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits for both employers and employees. It can help reduce stress levels while increasing focus, creativity, energy levels, motivation, job satisfaction, team spirit as well as overall health. In addition to these direct benefits there are also indirect advantages such as reduced absenteeism due to illness or injury which can lead to cost savings for organizations.

How To Implement An Effective Program In Your Workplace: When implementing a corporate yoga program it is important that you take into account the size of your organization as well as its culture when deciding on what type of classes will best suit your needs. You should also consider factors such as scheduling availability for staff members who may have conflicting commitments outside of work hours or those who cannot attend regular classes due to travel requirements or other reasons. Additionally you should ensure that any instructors hired meet all necessary qualifications so they can provide safe instruction during sessions.

There are many ways in which organizations can incorporate yoga into their workplace environment beyond offering regular classes led by qualified instructors. Some examples include providing access to online tutorials or videos featuring guided meditation practices, creating designated spaces within offices where staff members can practice poses throughout the day, incorporating stretching exercises into meetings, organizing special events such as “yoga days” where everyone participates in group activities together, and encouraging staff members who already practice regularly at home or elsewhere outside work hours by recognizing their efforts publicly.

Key Takeaway: Corporate yoga and employee wellness programs offer numerous physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits for both employers and employees.  

Events and Workshops Featuring Yoga Instruction

Events and Workshops Featuring Yoga Instruction offer a great way to learn more about yoga, deepen your practice, or even just relax. Whether you’re an experienced yogi looking for something new or a beginner who wants to get started on the right foot, there are events and workshops available that can suit your needs.

Types of Events Available: There is no shortage of events featuring yoga instruction out there. From weekend retreats to one-day workshops, you can find something that fits into your schedule and budget. You can also choose from different types of classes such as restorative yoga, vinyasa flow, yin yoga, hatha yoga and more. A fun way to add to a birthday, a picnic, corporate event, bachelorette party etc.

How to Find the Right Event or Workshop for You: When it comes to finding the right event or workshop for you it’s important to do some research first. Look at reviews online from past participants so you know what kind of experience they had with the instructor and venue before signing up yourself. Also make sure that the event is suited for all levels if you plan on bringing friends who may not have much experience with yoga yet.

Once you have found an event or workshop that looks promising, here are some tips for making sure it is a success. Make sure to arrive early so that you have time to set up your mat properly in order to get comfortable during class. Bring water with electrolytes so that you stay hydrated throughout. Wear comfortable clothing and be open minded when trying new poses. Ask questions if anything isn't clear and take breaks whenever needed. Lastly, enjoy yourself!

Key Takeaway: When attending a yoga event or workshop, it is important to do your research beforehand and be prepared. Here are some tips for having a successful experience: arrive early; bring water with electrolytes; wear comfortable clothing; be open minded to new poses; ask questions if needed; take breaks when necessary and enjoy yourself!

FAQs in Relation to Do It Yourself Yoga Mat Cleaner

What is a good cleaner for yoga mats?

A good cleaner for yoga mats is essential to maintain hygiene and safety during practice. A mild, natural soap or detergent should be used with warm water and a soft cloth or brush to gently scrub the mat. Avoid harsh chemicals as they can damage the material of the mat. After cleaning, hang dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Regularly cleaning your yoga mat will help keep it free from bacteria, dirt, sweat and odors while also extending its life span.

How do you clean a yoga mat without vinegar?

To clean a yoga mat without vinegar, you can use mild soap and warm water. Start by wiping down the surface of your mat with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or sweat. Next, mix a few drops of mild soap into some warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the soapy mixture onto your mat and gently scrub it with a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Rinse off the soap with cold water and then hang up your mat to air dry completely before rolling it back up for storage.

Can I use hand sanitizer to clean yoga mat?

Yes, you can use hand sanitizer to clean yoga mats. However, it is important to ensure that the product used does not contain any harsh chemicals or fragrances as these may damage the mat and be irritating for those using it. Additionally, make sure that the surface of the mat is completely dry before rolling it up after cleaning with hand sanitizer. It's also a good idea to use a damp cloth and mild soap on occasion in order to thoroughly clean your yoga mat and keep it free from bacteria and germs.

Can I use baby wipes on my yoga mat?

No, baby wipes should not be used on yoga mats. Baby wipes are designed for use on skin and may contain chemicals that can damage the material of a yoga mat. To clean your mat, use a damp cloth with mild soap or an all-natural cleaning solution specifically made for yoga mats. Allow the mat to air dry completely before rolling it up and storing it away. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your yoga mat will help it last longer.


Yoga is a great way to relax, de-stress and improve your overall health. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily make your own do it yourself yoga mat cleaner at home with natural ingredients. Private yoga sessions with a qualified instructor can help you get the most out of your practice while corporate yoga and employee wellness programs are great for improving morale in the workplace. Events and workshops featuring yoga instruction are also an excellent way to bring people together in a fun, healthy environment. So if you're looking for ways to keep your mat clean or just want to learn more about how yoga can benefit you, there's something out there for everyone!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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What Do I Need for Yoga Class?

When it comes to yoga, there can be a lot of intimidation factors. It's hard enough mustering up the courage to walk into a room full of strangers and try something new, let alone knowing what you need for your first class!

But don't worry, we're here to help. This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about what do i need for yoga class so that you can go into your first session feeling prepared and confident.

So, grab your mat and let's get started!

Table of Contents:

  • A Yoga Mat

  • Comfortable Clothing

  • Water and a Towel

  • Optional Props Such as Blankets, Blocks, or Straps

  • An Open Mind

  • FAQ's in Relation to What Do I Need for Yoga Class?

    • What do you take to a yoga class?

    • What is the main item needed in yoga class?

    • How do I prepare for my first yoga class?

    • What a beginner needs for yoga?

  • Conclusion

A Yoga Mat

Yoga mats provide cushioning and traction for the practitioner, and are commonly used in yoga studios and gyms.

Do I need a yoga mat?

If you will be practicing yoga at home, then you will need to purchase a yoga mat. If you will be practicing yoga at a studio or gym, then you may be able to rent or borrow a yoga mat.

Comfortable Clothing

When it comes to comfortable clothing, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the type of yoga you are doing, your body type, and your personal preferences.

However, there are a few general guidelines to keep in mind. For most yoga classes, you will want to wear comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows you to move freely.

Avoid anything too tight or constricting. If you are doing a more active yoga class, such as power yoga or Ashtanga, you may want to wear shorts or leggings to avoid getting too sweaty.

If you are doing a more restorative or gentle yoga class, you may want to wear looser, more comfortable clothing. This will allow you to relax and let go more easily.

No matter what type of yoga you are doing, it is important to dress in layers. This way, you can adjust your clothing as needed to stay comfortable throughout the class.

Finally, remember that yoga is about being comfortable with your own body. Just focus on your practice and breath, and let the clothing be an afterthought.

Key Takeaway: For most yoga classes, wear comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows you to move freely.

Water and a Towel

We all know the feeling of being in a yoga class, flowing through sun salutations and feeling the burn in our muscles. Suddenly, the teacher tells us to grab a block and a strap and our mind starts racing.

Do I have a strap?

Where is my water?

And most importantly, do I need a towel?

The answer is yes, a towel is always a good idea in yoga class. Whether you are sweating buckets or not, a towel will help you grip your mat and keep your hands and feet from slipping.

If you are doing a hot yoga class, a towel is an absolute must. You will be sweating so much that you will need to wipe your face and body frequently.

Trust us, you don't want to be the person in class who doesn't have a towel and is dripping all over their mat. So next time you head to yoga, make sure to bring a towel!

Just because yoga is supposed to be relaxing doesn't mean you won't sweat! Always bring a towel to class to keep your mat clean and your hands from slipping. (Click To Tweet)

Optional Props Such as Blankets, Blocks, or Straps

Some common yoga props include blankets, blocks, and straps.

These props can help with alignment, support, and stability in various yoga poses. Blankets are often used to pad the knees in poses like Pigeon Pose or to support the lower back in poses like Supported Bridge Pose.

They can also be used to add warmth in restorative poses. Blocks are often used to support the hands in poses like Downward-Facing Dog or to support the hips in poses like Pigeon Pose.

They can also be used to modify poses to make them more accessible. Straps can be used to help with alignment in poses like Triangle Pose or to deepen the stretch in poses like Standing Forward Bend.

While props are not required, they can be helpful in making yoga more accessible and comfortable. If you have the opportunity to use props in your yoga practice, definitely give them a try!

Key Takeaway: Props can help with alignment, support, and stability in various yoga poses.

An Open Mind

When it comes to trying new things, it's important to keep an open mind. You never know what you might end up enjoying – and that's certainly true of yoga.

If you're thinking about giving yoga a try, but aren't sure if it's for you, here's what you need to know. First, there's no need to be flexible to do yoga.

In fact, many people start practicing yoga because they want to increase their flexibility. Yoga is a great way to do that, but it's not necessary to be flexible to start.

Second, you don't need any special equipment for yoga. All you really need is a mat, but even that isn't required.

Many people practice yoga without a mat, and some yoga studios even have mats available for rent or purchase. Finally, there's no need to dress a certain way for yoga.

You don't need to buy special yoga clothes, although you may want to wear something comfortable that you can move around in. Just show up with an open mind and be ready to have some fun.

Key Takeaway: You don't need to be flexible or wear special clothes to do yoga – just show up with an open mind!

FAQ's in Relation to What Do I Need for Yoga Class?

What do you take to a yoga class?

You will need a yoga mat, a towel, water, and comfortable clothing.

What is the main item needed in yoga class?

The main item needed in yoga class is a yoga mat.

How do I prepare for my first yoga class?

You will need to wear comfortable clothing that you can move easily in, and you may want to bring a yoga mat and water bottle.

What a beginner needs for yoga?

A beginner needs a yoga mat, a yoga block, and a yoga strap.


If you're thinking about giving yoga a try, all you really need is a mat and some comfortable clothing. Of course, there are other props that can be helpful (such as blankets or blocks), but they're not essential.

The most important thing is to come to your first class with an open mind and a willingness to learn. With that said, we hope this guide has helped answer any questions you had about what do i need for yoga class.


Vibrant Yoga would love to offer our services for your next event! We specialize in private yoga, corporate yoga for employees, and employee wellness. Our classes are perfect for groups of all sizes and levels of experience. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help make your next event a success!

Vibrant Yoga is based in Chicago and serves the Chicagoland area as well as virtually anywhere with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We offer on-site & virtual yoga, meditation & wellness workshops to individuals and companies. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and resources to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.

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