Why Meditation Doesn’t Seem to Be Working for You – Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever recommended meditation to someone because of its amazing impact on your life and were met with an eye-roll or two, we understand. Many people resist the idea of meditation, even though it’s one of the most ancient remedies out there. 

Somewhere along the way, with technological innovations and stringent binaries drawn between spirituality and medical health, we became skeptics when it comes to meditation. When we internalize these biases, even if we try to attempt it, they hold us back from truly letting go.

Only 8% Americans meditate according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Here’s what you need to know about common mistakes people make during meditation and why it might not be working for you.


You’re not consistent with your practice

It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you do it every day for the first few months. Once you make it a habit and are consistent about it, you’ll find yourself getting more comfortable and open to learning and improving yourself.

Meditation is a daily practice, and when you make this commitment for yourself, you’re already doing half the work needed to get noticeable results.

You meditate when you’re exhausted

A lot of us meditate early morning or before bed, when we’re in a passive state. When you close your eyes, your brain might receive this as a signal to fall asleep. Try to follow a workout with a meditation session to bring yourself back to the center.

It can also be a grounding exercise for you on your way to work after a fresh cup of coffee.

You judge yourself too much when you meditate

If you’re new to meditating, it can be difficult to get accustomed to the activity. It might feel strange, and closing your eyes can make you feel anxious. It’s common to feel like you’re being watched or worse, judged. It can feel silly and stupid, which creates a barrier for you.

This inhibits your ability to focus and concentrate. Here’s a tip: don’t focus on yourself; try to direct your thoughts back to the present moment. It doesn’t matter how many times you get distracted, as long as you focus on your breath and redirect your thoughts.

Learn more about guided meditation for anxiety and our corporate yoga programs through our energetic healing courses. These are suitable for people from all ages and professions; we even offer kids’ yoga parties for birthdays. We also offer senior citizen wellness programs and after school sessions along with employee wellness programs.

Contact our team members today and begin your journey for optimal health today.  


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