Anxiety And How Meditation Can Help

We’ve all been there and know how crippling the feeling of anxiety can be.This emotion is loud, obnoxious and paralyzing. It loves pointing out all the things that could go wrong and being the voices in our head that stops us from accomplishing our true potential.

And whether we believe it or resist it, it can negatively impact our ability to achieve our personal and professional goals. Think about it. How many people can you currently envision with chronic anxiety that were able to advance their career, keep relationships afloat or accomplish their goals? I bet you couldn't think of many.

As someone who has experienced a life-long battle with anxiety, I have learned the best way to combat this emotion is to practice noticing it, acknowledging it and finding a way to handle it. For me, that outlet was yoga and meditation. Through yoga and meditation, I was able to find my inner-peace and even holistically cure illnesses I was experiencing that were rooted in anxiety.This is where I made it my personal commitment to the community to provide the tools to support all those suffering from anxiety and other ailments by providing holistic ways to heal and support the body for a vibrant lifestyle.

How Can Meditation Help My Anxiety?

Meditation is a simple, fast way to reduce stress, restore your calmness and bring one inner-peace. This practice includes techniques such as mindfulness to train attention, awareness, and mental clarity. In recent modern history, meditation has entered the mainstream of Western culture and is practiced by everyone from enthusiasts to business executives, politicians, teachers, and even young children!

When it comes to anxiety, meditation supports your wellbeing through massaging your mind and bringing you to a relaxed state of consciousness where you are able to deeply feel your inner-self.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Reduced Stress Reduction: Meditation and yoga reduce stress by decreasing levels of cortisol in our body. When meditating, you release dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. These are hormones that we associate with positive well-being.

  • Increased Attention Span: Meditation increases our dopamine levels and strengthens our prefrontal cortex muscles allowing us to focus better and for a longer period of time.

  • Better Sleep: Meditation calms anxiety and emotions that keep you up at night. This happens by your body naturally increasing melatonin levels to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

  • Regulation of Mental and Emotional System: Meditation trains your brain to acknowledge emotions as they come and to take time to process the emotions and the way you react. This leads to increased mental and physical resiliency.

    There is no denying that the wealth of benefits through this exercise are immeasurable and come full-cycle within your mental and physical well-being. While we can't avoid anxiety, we can find ways to transform our energy into positive outlets, allowing ourselves to be free from this imposing emotion.

Vibrant Yoga serves the city of Chicago and surrounding community (as well as virtual sessions) with practical tools and guidance to individual wellness for a healthier lifestyle. We envision a world where every individual, employee, and business owner has the freedom and skills to maintain vibrant health that positively impacts their mental and physical well-being.


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