Healthy Recipes, Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich Healthy Recipes, Featured, Balanced Wellness Masha Liokumovich

Honey & Dill Salmon


I absolutely LOVE salmon. I crave it! And if I could eat it every day, I totally would. It is so versatile too; you can have it for breakfast as lox on toast, for lunch on a salad or for dinner as a main dish. You can make it once and eat throughout the day or week. It's just simply amazing and the best thing it is SOOO simply to make.

And did we talk about salmon's benefits?

It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12) but it is their content of omega-3 fatty acids that receives the most attention. And in case you forgot what omega-3's are, they are these are essential oils (EPA and DHA) that contribute to healthy brain function ,the heart and the joints.

Now, there is always a lot of debate regarding whether to buy farmed or wild. To tell you the truth my opinion has been swayed towards wild for a while, because of all the bad rep farmed fish has gotten. But then I dug deeper into this and found out that buying farmed fish may not be so bad, because responsible farmers  set high standards for their farmed salmon; and I think it tastes milder, but it is recommended to vary your options between wild and farmed.

So here is the recipe for this amazing salmon:


  • 2 lbs salmon
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced (or more! I love garlic for its taste and health benefits)
  • 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill leaves (or you can use dried dill weed)
  • Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with foil.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together honey, garlic, olive oil, dill, salt and pepper
  • Place salmon onto prepared baking sheet and fold up all 4 sides of the foil. Spoon the honey mixture over the salmon. Fold the sides of the foil over the salmon, covering completely and sealing the packet closed.
  • Place into oven and bake until cooked through, about 15-20 minutes.

Garnish with some more fresh dill and prepare for an orgasm in your mouth!

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Masha Liokumovich Masha Liokumovich

Raw Honey vs. Liquid a.k.a. Processed Honey


I got bitten by a bee on the lower lip when I was a kid while climbing up a tomato vine and was not quite a fan of them from then on. However I've forgiven them since then and learned that bees are quite amazing . A busy bee hive can produce up to 300 pounds of honey in a single season. Overachievers!

I personally love honey and recent conversation sparked an idea about finding out the difference between raw honey & processed jar honey.

Raw honey has not been heated excessively through pasteurization, which "commercial" teddy-bear-looking honey goes through and it's the process where a lot of nutrients die. That way raw honey is able to keep all its beneficial enzymes, which makes it easy to digest by the body because honeybees actually pre-digest the nectar in their bellies.

Raw honey is also the healthier option to sugar, because it contains less calories and it is composed of fructose & glucose, which are easily digested by the body. As opposed to sugar, which contains sucrose making the pancreas work harder.

Here are all the reasons to love and incorporate raw honey into your diet:

  • natural energy booster

  • helps build your immune system due to its high antioxidant levels. Here is a quick recipe: mix a spoonful of honey and lemon juice from half a lemon into a cup of warm water and drink it.

  • prevents muscle fatigue during exercise due to its natural sugars

  • keeps blood sugar levels constant compare to other forms of sugar

  • honey possesses carcinogen-preventing and anti-tumour properties. According to the book Honey Revolution by Dr Ron Fessenden, scientists have found floral flavonoids in honey. These tiny traces of bioflavonoids, generally known as antioxidants, have powerful influences when entered into the body's cells. When ingested, they immediately increase the antioxidant levels within cells.

  • cholesterol & fat free.

  • can be used as a remedy for variety of ailments

    • cuts & burns - apply to a wound to promote healing.

    • hangovers - here is the recipe: 15ml of liquid honey with 80ml of orange juice and 70ml of natural yogurt. Blend them together until smooth

    • sore throats - it can not only soothe a sore throat, but also kill bacteria that causes the infection.

    • sleeplessness - take a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey to calm the soul and induce sleep

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