Anti-Inflammatory, Warm & Hearty Soup (Perfect for Chilly Autumn Days)

Anti-Inflammatory, Warm & Hearty Soup

I love the fall. It is my FAVORITE season. We all get to snuggle a little closer, wear warm leggings & have more time for self-reflection & self-care. I love preparing warm & hearty foods in the fall & winter and this soup is one of my favorites. Enjoy


For the Meatballs

  • 1.5 pounds ground beef (I get all of my meat from ButcherBox - the cleanest source for organic chicken, grass-fed beef, seafood & more)

  • almond milk

  • 3 tablespoons freshly parsley finely chopped

  • salt and pepper to taste

For the Soup

  • 1 large onion diced

  • 1 large carrot diced

  • 2 small stalks of celery diced

  • 3 small organic golden potatoes - small dice

  • 4 cloves of garlic minced (let it sit for at least 10 minutes before adding to your pot to get all the benefits of garlic!)

  • 8 cups of home made or store bought bone broth

  • 1 inch turmeric root minced on a microplane

  • 1/2 inch ginger root minced on a microplane

  • avocado oil

  • salt and pepper

  • few strands of saffron (can you believe the amazing benefits of saffron? anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety & more!)

  • juice of half a lemon


  • Turn on your oven and heat up to 450-degrees.

  • While the oven is pre-heating, heat up your pot to medium heat. ( I love my dutch oven)

  • Add avocado oil, then add the onions, carrots and celery to your pot and let them cook for about 7-10 minutes until you are seeing a nice brown color

  • Meanwhile combine ground beef, parsley, milk, salt and pepper in a bowl. Combine mixture with your hands until just mixed, do not over mix or you will end up having dense meatballs.

  • Prepare a sheet pan with parchment paper, NOT foil

  • Use a tablespoon, melon baller, or small ice cream scoop to shape the meatballs. Do not make them too smooth, the rigid edges will allow for better browning in the oven.

  • Place meatballs into the oven and let cook for 15 minutes.

  • Back to the soup. Open the lid and add in the potatoes, the garlic, turmeric & ginger for just A MINUTE! Do not let garlic burn. This is where anti-inflammatory properties of this powerful trio takes place!

  • Add bone broth after a minute of garlic having to brown. Bring to boil, then allow to simmer.

  • Once the meatballs are done add them into the soup and let cook for another 15-20 minutes on a nice simmer.

  • Add a few strand of saffron

  • Adjust for seasoning with salt & pepper and finish it off with a squirt or two of lemon. I always feel that it adds a pop of freshness.

  • Add parsley, chives & cilantro for toppings or any of your favorites

  • Slurp, enjoy & repeat!


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